Are you serious, expecting Dearden, a 19 year old with what, 2 NRL games, organizing our dog's breakfast? Really? Talk about setting up someone to fail.
Luke on the other hand, absolutely. It is what he is there for and has to step up instead of just running without looking.
But it is more than Luke, Dearden, or any one player organising the team, it is about the entire spine working together, as an integrated unit, connecting with backs and forwards, and linking both, which we don't have and this is largely what separates us from the top sides who have experienced spines doing their job. We are a work in progress. It's a "Huge" job. It will take time.
As far as the players "taking control" over how they play, as I look at it, it is Seibold listening to his players which for mine is a good thing. Every good coach listens to their players. Having said that, the fact is that Seibold is the coach, and thus, whatever happens, he is responsible for the outcomes, and our performances will be ultimately on him.
As for the ever reliable Darius, I hope that he, as a well credentialed and experienced FB is actively helping our young spine integrate together, as well as our backs and forwards, in addition to his sterling defensive efforts at centre. By the look of things he hasn't done much so far but while there's life there's ... Darius.