OFFICIAL Rugby League World Cup Discussion

Tapine has been great, drawn a couple penalties as well tonight
More Samoans in the crowd than Kiwis by the look of it.
Why does one of Samoa's players have a gold number whilst everyone else has a white number
How did he play ?
still going, but has scored a try off a grubber and just set up a try with a long range break. Has been a little bit quiet at other times though.
I believe he has been subbed off now
Yeah, the number 3. Maybe last minute jersey/numbering changes. No idea really. It would make some sense possibly if he were captain, but he isn’t...
Looks like a bit of a fail
What was it? Anyone got footage? I missed it but everyone is mentioning it, must be worth a look. One thing I noticed in last night's game was every single forward pass from both teams was let go. Seems it doesn't matter if it's NRL or international, some things don't change.

Reffed by Checcin, explains everything.
Commentator: If you think PNG are in this World Cup to make up the numbers. Think again.

They are making up the numbers. **** me, it's fucking Wales.

Wait until they play England, NZ or Australia.

Or Tonga.
I just had to head out. Fiji destroying USA?