NEWS Seibold: it's all my fault

Like, I watch Munster go about his business and just think to myself, how on earth did he get missed? How did the Broncs end up having to buy Milford in instead? How did Milford lose all ability?
Like, I watch Munster go about his business and just think to myself, how on earth did he get missed? How did the Broncs end up having to buy Milford in instead? How did Milford lose all ability?

We let him get fat and lazy (of which he was neither under Sticky) and then tried to pigeon-hole him into a role he is not suited to, for half a decade.

How to ruin a players career, 101 courtesy of the Brisbane Broncos.

Of course he was well compensated by us, so I don’t feel too sorry for him, by why he didn’t slide straight into JT’s spot in Origin etc when he retired is largely on the club.
Seibold has always been a smug cockhead. Came in day 1 with his pretentious little Harvard team building course and claims of "I know what it takes to win a premiership" despite having never coached or played in a NRL/ARL/NSWRL premiership side.

He had what, 1 year as a head coach of the Bunnies? And made a prelim with a very similar squad that Maguire had built into a premiership contender over 5 or so years. Being Bellamy's assistant coach doesn't impress me either.

Loved his last press conference by the way. "I'm not here to make excuses" 30 seconds later "We had 4 million dollars of salary cap on the bench"
Yeah i hate that. I mean what does it say when the fans take the loss harder than the players? Correction, that wasnt a loss, that was an embarassment.

Couple more showings like that and even when covid 19 restrictions end, they will still be playing to an empty stadium.

I saw one of the cardboard cutout fans leave after they tried for the first 3 minutes of the 2nd half and then gave up a long distance try.
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I had to wait 24 hrs before I could write anything!

This is what I'd do. First thing I'd do at training tomorrow would be to load the gang up on a bus and head to our 'new' training grounds. This would be some park with old worn out seats and fucked sheds with just cold water showers. That would be our new ground until we win 5 straight.

Every single player would be required to attend training via public transport, no exception. No $200,000 cars, no Harleys, nothing but old school public transport. Another new rule, no phones, no headphones, no music devices at all. I'd get some of our legends to be my helpers at training. No massages, no physios, no frills. Blood and guts, old school training.

Story time. Old school hard nuts sitting in group sessions telling how they trained in the old days, beer stories included. No video sessions in darkened theatre seats either. There would be 5 set plays rehearsed until the players fell to their knees with exhaustion and when recovered run again until they have become second nature.

Every player would spend one day of each week laying concrete, moving furniture or digging trenchs by hand, in fact the team would not only be team building but building a fucking building in hand. Trenchs dug, concrete lain, walls put up and for a cause, a worthy cause like a building for the sick, the elderly, the impaired whatever.

It would be the teams build for someone or some people less fortunate. That's how to create a bond, a unifying cause.

It's time for the entitled life to end, it's time to become blue collar again, it's time for young men to feel how the battler feels and I don't just mean male battlers either here because we all have our fights to win.

I'd take them back in time to a place where rugby league was just three things, a ball, an opponent and my team mates.

Well the Storm make their new recruits do 2 weeks of hard labor whilst doing pre season training to build character and I guess seperate the men from the boys. Also during the shutdown period this season, there were stories about how most of the Roosters players were back on the tools, and offering to give money to the less fortunate squad members.

Now look at who the 2 top mentally tough and consistent teams are over the last decade and there is more than merit to your solutions and I’ve been advocating this in my head for a long time. The Broncos have been mollycoddled for way too long.

One team town, treated like royalty no matter what they produce on the field, new $30 million facilities that the richest club in the NRL asked for donations from its supporters and asked for government assistance to build, etc. list goes on
Yep. Apparently the idea that you can actually recruit players who aren’t 18 and have played zero games, but rather good quality experienced players, hasn’t occurred to them until they signed Te’o yesterday...

Seibold only seems to like that option when he can get them for a a minimum wage (Ala James Segeyaro)

Now watch a guy who has been out of the game since 2014 become one of the few squad players that ends up being worth much higher than his contract value
"Most concerning though was when Seibold quoted a statistic about his opposition from four years ago.

“It’s quite interesting, we played the Roosters tonight, two time champions, and I think back to 2016 when they finished 15th. There was a game I remember watching they got beaten 46-0 against the Storm, and I remember them having seven players under 40 games. Well, we had 10 players under 30 games tonight, and two making their debut,” said Seibold."

"I’m sure some out there thought his recall was super human, all I saw was a coach who’d spent his week pre-planning an excuse should his team be handed a spanking.

I know it’s true, because it’s not the first time it’s happened."

That is some memory Seibold has

Can’t give him too much credit for that considering he spends a large chunk of his weekly routine researching excuses he can use to prolong his coaching career. He was probably sitting on that one since the Eels game.
Like, I watch Munster go about his business and just think to myself, how on earth did he get missed? How did the Broncs end up having to buy Milford in instead? How did Milford lose all ability?

This is the thing though. For all these so called players that went on to magical heights that we apparently missed (JT, Smith, Munster, etc) does anyone honestly believe they would have hit those heights at our club? I’d almost bet my life had Smith and JT never left Brisbane they wouldn’t be talked about as immortals. I think it’s a cultural thing.

We are the Manchester United of the NRL. Became the biggest clubs in our respective comps on the 90’s and 00’s, were also the richest clubs with all the pizzazz, glamour and winning culture, premierships, corporate support, a single high profile coach/manager who oversaw all the successful times and had a long tenure and became irreplaceable. Now are the biggest laughing stocks that try to hang onto the glory days to justify still being an attractive club to play at, became a club who started measuring success as how much the club was worth rather than the performances on the field and have both become a club players just come to for the pay day rather than than the history.
Ese’ese to an extent
Munster (Apparently always wants to play for the Broncs)
How did all these guys and others get let go/missed?
Bag Seibold, Bennett, the club, the board or whoever else you like for much of the shit-show we find ourselves in.

But TBF, unless you’re the Roosters, you can’t have superstars in every position.

Everyone waxes lyrical about Ponga. Well we have the prop and second row version of him. Only I think, come the end of their respective careers (sans injury ruining someone’s career), they will go on to be better than him.

Clubs that don’t cheat the salary cap have to make calls. We banked on Haas and Fifita and probably have room for one or maybe 2 more superstars. But they can’t be established superstars, we have to pick the next Lockyer, JT or Smith.

Whether we can or not, given our current predicament and the general decline we’ve been on for well over a decade (2015 notwithstanding); well, questioning the ability of club and those calling the shots to make the right call is very warranted.
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Bag Seibold, Bennett, the club, the board or whoever else you like for much of the shit-show we find ourselves in.

But TBF, unless you’re the Roosters, you can’t have superstars in every position.

Everyone waxes lyrical about Ponga. Well we have the prop and second row version of him. Only I think, come the end of their respective careers (sans injury ruining someone’s career), they will go on to be better than him.

Clubs that don’t cheat the salary cap have to make calls. We banked on Haas and Fifita and probably have room for one or maybe 2 more superstars. But they can’t be established superstars, we have to pick the next Lockyer, JT or Smith.

Whether we can or not, given our current predicament and the general decline we’ve been on for well over a decade (2015 notwithstanding); well, questioning the ability of club and those calling the shots to make the right call is very warranted.

I agree with all of this but I think it is interesting to note that all of the players I mentioned were at the club. I can understand letting go of the forwards to be honest but I can't understand how they let Ponga walk or didn't even think Munster was good enough.

You could see Munster has the drive to be as good as he can be and he has come through the best system to deliver on that. I wonder if the Broncs would have broken him as they have done Milford to be fair.

But you could see even at school age, Ponga was something special, how did they not keep him?
I agree with all of this but I think it is interesting to note that all of the players I mentioned were at the club. I can understand letting go of the forwards to be honest but I can't understand how they let Ponga walk or didn't even think Munster was good enough.

You could see Munster has the drive to be as good as he can be and he has come through the best system to deliver on that. I wonder if the Broncs would have broken him as they have done Milford to be fair.

But you could see even at school age, Ponga was something special, how did they not keep him?

yes....for all the attention our lauded recruitment and development system gets, plus the enormous advantage we have in terms of catchment over every other club......that sums up the club very accurately.

But we dont play Pokémon cant keep them all I guess..

Can we find and keep the next Ponga, the next Munster...thats what is important going forward now..

A couple of the Cup guys we are brining into the top squad currently could very well turn out to be exactly that; only time will tell..

But it is our single biggest advantage over every other club, and its where the maximum effort and resources should be directed, to fully maximise that advantage..
I agree with all of this but I think it is interesting to note that all of the players I mentioned were at the club. I can understand letting go of the forwards to be honest but I can't understand how they let Ponga walk or didn't even think Munster was good enough.

You could see Munster has the drive to be as good as he can be and he has come through the best system to deliver on that. I wonder if the Broncs would have broken him as they have done Milford to be fair.

But you could see even at school age, Ponga was something special, how did they not keep him?
I disagree about Munster. He is good, but he doesn’t have the runs on the board yet to be considered the ‘one that got away’. Same can be said about Ponga really.

People seem to forget that Milford was sensational in 2015 / 16 and even before that in Canberra he was looking something special. Hindsight is 20/20 though.

Plug Milford into the Storm system, and providing he towed the line, he’d be looking far better than he does at our club.

I should also be clear, I am not defending Milford. I have given him ample opportunity to return to his glory days, but he hasn’t, for whatever reason. After a while, it becomes clear that it is not everyone else that is the problem...

I didn’t say it in this post, but our biggest problem is culture. It’s not that we don’t have any, it’s just the one we do have is terrible.

IMHO, if we don’t fix that first, it really doesn’t matter who comes to the club or what future superstars we retain. We’ve got to address the toxic culture before we start to see success on any substantial level, let alone sustained success.
Haven't we already done that ... i recall reading during the week that we signed the next Locky 😛
One better: he made his debut against the Roosters.
I agree with all of this but I think it is interesting to note that all of the players I mentioned were at the club. I can understand letting go of the forwards to be honest but I can't understand how they let Ponga walk or didn't even think Munster was good enough.

You could see Munster has the drive to be as good as he can be and he has come through the best system to deliver on that. I wonder if the Broncs would have broken him as they have done Milford to be fair.

But you could see even at school age, Ponga was something special, how did they not keep him?
While we're on the subject of not blaming it all on Seibold, perhaps our assistant coaches need to share some of the flak. Who's in charge of what there now? I'm scared to imply Alfie might be part of the problem, but could it be possible?
I agree with all of this but I think it is interesting to note that all of the players I mentioned were at the club. I can understand letting go of the forwards to be honest but I can't understand how they let Ponga walk or didn't even think Munster was good enough.

You could see Munster has the drive to be as good as he can be and he has come through the best system to deliver on that. I wonder if the Broncs would have broken him as they have done Milford to be fair.

But you could see even at school age, Ponga was something special, how did they not keep him?
While we're on the subject of not blaming it all on Seibold, perhaps our assistant coaches need to share some of the flak. Who's in charge of what there now? I'm scared to imply Alfie might be part of the problem, but could it be possible?
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One better: he made his debut against the Roosters.

While we're on the subject of not blaming it all on Seibold, perhaps our assistant coaches need to share some of the flak. Who's in charge of what there now? I'm scared to imply Alfie might be part of the problem, but could it be possible?

While we're on the subject of not blaming it all on Seibold, perhaps our assistant coaches need to share some of the flak. Who's in charge of what there now? I'm scared to imply Alfie might be part of the problem, but could it be possible?

I think it is something that needs to be asked for sure. I think a really important place to start is to list all the things that have changed from rounds 2 to 3 in every detail to isolate the problems. Injuries for sure but there did appear to be some semblance of structure in the first two rounds and more importantly, there was effort and passion. Why has that gone?
I disagree about Munster. He is good, but he doesn’t have the runs on the board yet to be considered the ‘one that got away’. Same can be said about Ponga really.

People seem to forget that Milford was sensational in 2015 / 16 and even before that in Canberra he was looking something special. Hindsight is 20/20 though.

Plug Milford into the Storm system, and providing he towed the line, he’d be looking far better than he does at our club.

I should also be clear, I am not defending Milford. I have given him ample opportunity to return to his glory days, but he hasn’t, for whatever reason. After a while, it becomes clear that it is not everyone else that is the problem...

I didn’t say it in this post, but our biggest problem is culture. It’s not that we don’t have any, it’s just the one we do have is terrible.

IMHO, if we don’t fix that first, it really doesn’t matter who comes to the club or what future superstars we retain. We’ve got to address the toxic culture before we start to see success on any substantial level, let alone sustained success.

Great post. I do think Munster has the runs on the board to be honest. But on the more important point, why has Milford gone to rubbish? Yes he is to blame for lack of fitness, etc and seemingly being lazy and thick between the ears but why was he allowed to be unfit and lazy? Why was his one skill, running in broken play coached out of him? Who is to blame for that? Has it been addressed?
anyone remember the try Milf scored against was a while ago but...he IS capable still of magic every now and then...
Great post. I do think Munster has the runs on the board to be honest. But on the more important point, why has Milford gone to rubbish? Yes he is to blame for lack of fitness, etc and seemingly being lazy and thick between the ears but why was he allowed to be unfit and lazy? Why was his one skill, running in broken play coached out of him? Who is to blame for that? Has it been addressed?

It’s clear that poor Seibold is out of his depth, but the problems that exist in this club festered long before he got here.

I actually admire the fact he has tried to tear the place down and actually think some people (not saying you) aren’t giving him enough credit for doing so. That takes courage, no doubt about it.

He has also had rotten luck with some things too. Roberts goes, our other centres get injured. McCullough goes, Turpin injured. He must have killed a litter of black kittens while walking under a dozen ladders, smashing mirrors under foot as he went.

But, that’s the way life goes sometimes and you just have to deal with it. Seibold hasn’t dealt with it very well so far.

I don’t know either, as I certainly don’t have the answers, nor do I envy the bloke. If he cares as much about the club as people on here do, he wouldn’t be sleeping a single wink any night at the moment.

Hard to see a way things don’t get worse before they get better. But guess what, we get another chance next Thursday, and despite my better judgement, I’ll be tuning in again in the hope they start to turn things around.

Win, lose or draw, so long as we look like we care and that we’ve learnt something from the past 2 weeks, I’ll feel a little better about it.
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It’s clear that poor Seibold is out of his depth, but the problems that exist in this club festered long before he got here.

I actually admire the fact he has tried to tear the place down and actually think some people (not saying you) aren’t giving him enough credit for doing so. That takes courage, no doubt about it.

He has also had rotten luck with some things too. Roberts goes, our other centres get injured. McCullough goes, Turpin injured. He must have killed a litter of black kittens while walking under a dozen ladders, smashing mirrors under foot as he went.

But, that’s the way life goes sometimes and you just have to deal with it. Seibold hasn’t dealt with it very well so far.

I don’t know either, as I certainly don’t have the answers, nor do I envy the bloke. If he cares as much about the club as people on here do, he wouldn’t be sleeping a single wink any night at the moment.

Hard to see a way things don’t get worse before they get better. But guess what, we get another chance next Thursday, and despite my better judgement, I’ll be tuning in again in the hope they start to turn things around.

Win, lose or draw, so long as we look like we care and that we’ve learnt something from the past 2 weeks, I’ll feel a little better about it.

Yeah I think Siebold deserves some credit and to an extent, a culture change at the club has been needed for a long time. He's clearly trying to address that but he seems to be making a number of compounding errors a long the way. I've always said I'm happy to give him two years and still am. What worries me is the lack of passion and commitment. Team announcements Tuesday next week will now be extremely important for what happens next. If the 2, 4 and 6 are unchanged as they will be, the discontent will lead to a riot I fear.

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