Sexual assault allegation

Re: Rape allegation

I'm absolutely furious at this. Hope it turns out to be absolute BS but what I've read so far doesn't inspire me.

Bloody idiots, whoever they are.
Re: Rape allegation

There is usually 'something' to it when allegations like this make it into the news (rather than just speculation on the net). I really really hope it's completely untrue, but I have a very bad feeling.
Re: Rape allegation

I think they fact that it was on the news before it was on the net says a lot about the seriousness of the allegations.
Re: Rape allegation

The radio just said the same: 3 high profile NRL players, accused of rape, Brisbane nightclub, not saying which team.
Re: Rape allegation

Well which ever players are alleged to have done the deed will be stood down for next weekends game so if they are big names we are in a bit of strife!!
Re: Rape allegation


We are in strife even if there wasn't a rape allegation.
Re: Rape allegation

This had better be a massive beat up, as I will be uncontrollably furious is it is proven to be true. I've always thought our culture kept us above such low human activites, but perhaps i'll be proven wrong.

Hoping for the best...
Re: Rape allegation

Channel 7 didn't say which club either.

No formal complaint has been made yet according to them aswell
Re: Rape allegation

Was just on channel 9. They didn't say anything new.
Re: Rape allegation

They just had on the news that no formal complaint has been made so if that's true then nothing will ever happen to the players who have been accused.
Re: Rape allegation

If they are from a club in the finals still then why the hell would they be out? Surely during this time of the season you should be taking it easy
Re: Rape allegation

Not going to get worked up until I hear something concrete.

Just heard something about it briefly on the news.

But if it is the Broncos, I will be very disappointed and hope they players get sacked straight away.
Re: Rape allegation

Aeetee said:
They just had on the news that no formal complaint has been made so if that's true then nothing will ever happen to the players who have been accused.

No criminal charges, but surely precedent shows they won't be playing for the broncos again.
Re: Rape allegation

The club involved openes its doors early for players to party.... they are 'protected' at this place but I think they over stepped the line this time.

One of the players appartently involved in this just blows me away.
Re: Rape allegation

ronnyd said:
Aeetee said:
They just had on the news that no formal complaint has been made so if that's true then nothing will ever happen to the players who have been accused.

No criminal charges, but surely precedent shows they won't be playing for the broncos again.

You would hope so, but seeing as they are high profile then who knows.
Re: Rape allegation

Just cause there is no formal complaint doesn't mean they won't be in trouble if it's true (although I would have thought reporting it to the police is a formal complaint). The cops have taken all the security camera footage, so if it can be proved the players will be in massive trouble.
Re: Rape allegation

If this is true, whomever the players are deserve their contracts to be terminated with immediate effect no matter who they are.

If it is true that is. I want to hear something more concrete before i get angry.