Re: Rape allegation
This is all very bad, etc. However I do get surprised by the "passion" in people's posts.
I mean, honestly, they are people, with great attributes and serious flaws. What they have been alleged of doing is completly unexceptable, but are you really "shocked"? Like really "shocked"?
This lends weight to my age old problem with people making heroes out of uneducated footballers. The vast majority of these guys have no education nor social skills. People beg for their attention, swamp them for autographs and admiration. In effect, turn them into demi-gods.
I for one, have never been like that. Same when I meet actors, etc. They are just people. They are you, if you played more sport as a kid. They aren't some heroic icon. They don't save lives.
I always shake my head and LOLZ at teens and 20-something girls swooning at footballers in clubs and after games, or even still at the tight shirted twit in the pub, with the slick hair and ladies-man look. Young girls love that shit for some reason that is beyone me, then they are surprised when they get treated wrong. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all ladies-men are like that, but on any given night, there are thousands across the city and thousands of girls throwing themselves at them. Some from this very forum.
You wonder, at what point in a girl's life does she see the wolf in the sheep's clothing?
P.S. I in no way condone this alleged act, just would love to work out the brains of young women.