Short Kickoffs and Drop-Outs



State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
The short drop out makes sense, pretty easy to defend when you don't even have to get back 10 metres (as you're defending your own try line). Also it's a bit more difficult for the opposition to get momentum through the ruck, the biggest draw from it though is that you could avoid defending altogether and get the ball back.

It didn't work out for us the other night, doesn't mean it's a horrible tactic. I would say try and catch the ball next time.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Maybe a cross code skills sesh with the Reds or even the Lions ?
Anyone know if lifting is illegal in the NRL ? @McHunt you`re a Rugger guy what is the drill for short kicks ?

Even if you could, it's much easier to set up for it when the people going for it are within maybe 5 metres of where it's thrown from (and, it's thrown to a set position, which is far more accurate). There's no way you'd be able to determine exactly where a kick is going to go and get in a position to lift someone up to get first shot at it. Especially with kicks, there is a lot of subtle ball movement in the last few seconds (not even allowing for random wind gusts) that players can make small adjustments for before jumping, but not when you're lifting a dude up.
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
Even if you could, it's much easier to set up for it when the people going for it are within maybe 5 metres of where it's thrown from (and, it's thrown to a set position, which is far more accurate). There's no way you'd be able to determine exactly where a kick is going to go and get in a position to lift someone up to get first shot at it. Especially with kicks, there is a lot of subtle ball movement in the last few seconds (not even allowing for random wind gusts) that players can make small adjustments for before jumping, but not when you're lifting a dude up.

You ever watch Rugby ?
Their kickers are pretty fcking accurate . Waaay more so than NRL kickers . Dunno if I have ever seen a Union kicker kick it out on the full or fail to go 10 metres .


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
No offence John, but I assume you're a bit like the rest of us and don't sit in the genius section at parties.....

So how the **** do WE see this and someone who has played the game at the highest levels don't? Pressure of the game...sure
But we have an entire coaching staff full of big game experience and Alf spends more time on the field than most of our bench......surely someone could have got a message out there
None taken ya silly old git 😉

How do we see it and a guy like Reyno doesn't? Well I'd say mainly pressure, and split second decision making.

As for Alf? I;m not sure, perhaps he doesn't sit in the genius section either 😉


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
None taken ya silly old git 😉

How do we see it and a guy like Reyno doesn't? Well I'd say mainly pressure, and split second decision making.

As for Alf? I;m not sure, perhaps he doesn't sit in the genius section either 😉

For mine, it was the correct decision, but poorly executed.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
For mine, it was the correct decision, but poorly executed.
Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago


NRL Player
Mar 5, 2008
If you see the footage / photo;

- you can tell Mitch was anticipating that EXACT play, he sensed Herbie might tap it back
- Walsh, not sure what he was doing... I think he just lost focus
- No idea why Herbie didn't just catch the ball, he was hardly under any pressure

coulda / woulda / shoulda

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