Shoulder charge rule

Guess regardless of how many fans whine and complain either way the shit is going to happen regardless.

Someone will always feel hard done by. Democracy is funny that way.

It's not a democracy. It's a dictatorship. The smart officials are corrupt and the dumb ones are kept as pawns to keep the corrupt in power.
It's not a democracy. It's a dictatorship. The smart officials are corrupt and the dumb ones are kept as pawns to keep the corrupt in power.
True, I suppose that is more of an oligarchy but the illusion of democracy is there what with the "coaches council" and "captains challenge" they bandy about. You're right though I was wrong in calling it a democracy.
True, I suppose that is more of an oligarchy but the illusion of democracy is there what with the "coaches council" and "captains challenge" they bandy about. You're right though I was wrong in calling it a democracy.

And the "independent Commission"...
Not actually serious, but if the game treated the club members as shareholders, we could vote on the running of the game. The reason I'm not serious though is that streaking would become legal again and the comp would be renamed Leagy McLeagueface.
They need to **** off the ex-players and put actual judges there. Independent, that have no ties to any club or the NRL.

All of this crap about, "Oh but they don't have an understanding of the game."

**** off. You don't need an understanding of the game to know what a shoulder charge is.
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I'm beyond the point of caring about the judiciary at this point.

Does the entire process need an overhaul? Yes. Are there some awful implications being made by the MRC and Judiciary (that the death of James Ackerman was in vain) yes, but at the end of the day, this negative emotion can be spent in the off-season.

I don't agree with any of it, but I'll turn a blind eye and enjoy Saturday's clash. Life's too short to get hung up about these decisions you can't control.

You think turning a blind eye is a good course of action? You think being quiet will make the NRL, or those ex players who actually respect the fans to take notice?

Life's short rubbish blah blah blah. You're going to watching a game which is tainted by nothing more than NRL corruption. It's that simple. It's not mistakes, it's not presidents, and it's not good defense on the part of the lawyers. It is outright corruption.
In the interim? Yes.

At the end of the day, I'm watching the games on Saturday and I'm probably going to talk about said games on here. Being outraged at this point when the judiciary has made mistake after mistake isn't going to solve anything. Especially when I'm going to be expressing said frustration on a fan board.

I'd much rather save that energy for the pre-season, when the NRL conducts a review and is likely to make some actual changes.
In the interim? Yes.

At the end of the day, I'm watching the games on Saturday and I'm probably going to talk about said games on here. Being outraged at this point when the judiciary has made mistake after mistake isn't going to solve anything. Especially when I'm going to be expressing said frustration on a fan board.

I'd much rather save that energy for the pre-season, when the NRL conducts a review and is likely to make some actual changes.

To each their own. Enjoy the game.
I just wish Super League came out on top, the game would be twice the size right now.

Wow, this is unbelievable.

Both Ennis and Wighton's 'tackles' were clear-cut shoulder charges.

Honestly, I knew the MRC were fucking hopeless, but this dangerous inconsistency in their rulings wreaks of corruption. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but this is just unfathomable. Combine it with the standard of refereeing this season and... well... I just don't even have the words.

You can't have one decision for one team and then another for a different team - I wonder if we were weren't heading into the finals, would the decision be different?

I am astounded.

Agreed. Ennis and Wighton both committed illegal acts. Both of their seasons should be over by the letter of the law (not that I necessarily agree that finals games should have the same weighting as regular season games, but they do as it stands).
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IMO, the Sharks need Ennis more than the Raiders need Wighton. Not charging either of them would be just a bit too obvious seeing as both teams have been their darlings this year. So assuming the NRL wanted to have Ennis free to play, could we assume that they thought charging Wighton and then subsequently finding him not guilty (in line with Ennis' non-charge) would be enough "consistency" for fans to accept it?

IMO, the Sharks need Ennis more than the Raiders need Wighton. Not charging either of them would be just a bit too obvious seeing as both teams have been their darlings this year. So assuming the NRL wanted to have Ennis free to play, could we assume that they thought charging Wighton and then subsequently finding him not guilty (in line with Ennis' non-charge) would be enough "consistency" for fans to accept it?

There is no tin foil hat. It's pretty fucking obvious what's going on now.
I'm almost positive the whole NRL is corrupt, but it's also entirely possibly they are simply too incompetent and idiotic to be corrupt.
I'm almost positive the whole NRL is corrupt, but it's also entirely possibly they are simply too incompetent and idiotic to be corrupt.

Incompetency and stupidity knows know direction. The fact that the vast majority of the "baffling" decisions lean in a predictable direction is what does it for me.

In fact, while the media claim the NRL is inconsistent, that's actually not the case, as I reckon we've majority-rule picked the outcome of these things 80-90% of the time on this very site.
The way I see it is the other 6 teams in the finals should all get 1 free shoulder charge now. Ricky Stuart was abnormally silent throughout the entire ordeal, a little too silent.Maybe he has mates on the mrc and asked them to charge Wighton so he could instil his team with a siege mentality.
I thought the the Ennis tackle should have been let go, the picture clearly shows his arm away from the body when his shoulder makes contact, if that's the rule then that tackle was fine.

The Wighton tackle being exonerated IMO was just a joke and the game just handed itself over to the media that little bit more last night.

Paul Kent, who is one of Rickys' good mates, lead a campaign right from the weekend to get him off. On 360 he kept showing a ridiculous still frame showing first contact with Wightons elbow onto the attacking players elbow. Well what a bunch of irrelevant bullshit. The next frame had he showed it was Wightons arm tucked against his body and full contact with the shoulder. The argument that he was just bracing for contact is also irrelevant because he had a choice of making a low tackle, he simply chose not to.

The media, through Kent, drove this decision as they have with some other changes ( 2 refs). This is just another demonstration of how much the media control agendas and they have the NRL second guessing everything they do.

The inmates are running the asylum.