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Soward to mini.
game over.
**** it.

No mistakes in Game 3.
Sodding shit of a game. Blues played as well as they can, credit to them. Refs disgraceful, Qld worse. The worst Maroon performance in a number of years.
The Rock said:
Hahahahaha Minicheeeillo! **** you all you Minicheillo haters and doubters!!! Woohooo!!
Never doubted Mini, respect for the man, he is a legend and will always do the blues proud.
Astroboy said:
Everyone can see these cheating disgraces of refs, it has to be obvious to everyone now.

They didn't want see Ricky crying or ringing them up complaining.

Blues win the game. Congratulations.

Ricky has won, the one game, so that means QLD wins the decider. [icon_razz1
The Rock said:
Hahahahaha Minicheeeillo! **** you all you Minicheillo haters and doubters!!! Woohooo!!
Yep Ricky is happy he won one game lolz
I'm pretty embarassed to be a Thaiday fan tonight. Shocking performance, kept getting owned by Pearce and making stupid errors.
YEAH! MINI! Watch while Queensland get the sooks bye try to hurt someone.
I'll give credit where its due, Blues too good tonight and Queensland were just beaten by the better side. Game 3 here we come icon_thumbs_u
dukey said:
YEAH! MINI! Watch while Queensland get the sooks bye try to hurt someone.

You mean like Michael Ennis's tap on Corey Parker and if memory serves me NSW used every excuse under the sun for their loss game 1 [icon_lol1.
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