SOO Ticket Presale

Even if it's a new thing I'm guessing it's still on for NSW SOO this year as I am a season member again this year and haven't heard anything about a pre-sale in any form (either in person or online) and tix go on sale next Thursday, so I'll just be on a 9am (have we established that it's 9am Qld time?) and get what I can. icon_thumbs_u
Man, I'm hoping that I won't be doing a lot of work on Thursday morning because I will try and buy tickets! Hope my boss will understand if he sees me trying to buy Origin tickets.
Heard it was only Platinium that couldnt get presale [icon_shru
Also heard it is easier to get tiks in WA and NSW than in Qld for the 2nd game.Must be at the outlets.Anyone know if this is true eusa_think
I'm not sure why they had presale for SOO. But it must just be a NSW thing cause you can't get them for QLD.

Good luck everyone trying on Thursday ;)
Last year i bought my tix in sydney for game 3( suncorp) and i got front row right in the centre. Was amazing. Everyone complainied about how good my seats were. Hehe
Well, we got 5 tickets in Aisle 310, Row 6, 2 tickets in Aisle 312 and 3 tickets somewhere else...I forgot where they were. wOOt. I can't freaking wait!!!!

How did everyone else go this morning?
We missed out. My friend was on from 8.50, but it didn't let her get in until 9.30, then timed her out 3 times...needlesss to say when she did finally manage to get on to ticketek, only single seats remained. We were pretty upset, but I guess now we can have a booze up at home rather than being underage at the game and not being able to. We had such an awesome time at last year's game so we really wanted to go again, but hey...luck of the draw I guess. Bring on 09!
My guess is they are holding back tickets until before the game up here.Is that not usually the go?

Good on you Kris.Lucky you. icon_thumbs_u
Apparently at 10am yesterday after the tickets went on sale there were only 39 seats remaining in the entire place, and they were all single seats only. They don't usually hold tickets for a later date either I dont think.
I got 6 tickets in cat 3 which is nowhere near where i wanted. I was on the site at 8.45 and refreshed til i could purchase the tickets, but seriously, ticketek is such a pathetic site. U get an 8 minute session, and if the page takes ages to load (which obviously it did yesterday) then ur session just sits there counting down, then 95% of the time i got an error. I didnt actually get to see the BUY TICKETS page til about 8.30 and by that time cat 1 and 2 were long gone. Never had problems before this year, shame on you ticketek you fuckwits.
Got 6 tickets in sect 506 - right in the south western corner on level 2. All up it will cost us $250 and the seats have an exellent view of the play. Paying $112 & $93 for basic seats on level 1 is hugely inflated and I refuse to pay that much. I'm really excited, got a couple of other mates and my aunt and uncle coming from Gympie for the game. Might even try and take that Wednesday off and head into Caxton Street mid afternoon.

I don't think Origin is anywhere near as good as it was pre 2002 but I still get excited thinking about it.
Yeah the session time sucks. Thats why I missed out it was taking so long to load and then time was up.
I've never had a problem before either.
Just lucky others helped me
Why then did they still have huge cues in the City lining up for tickets at noon if they were mostly gone?No signs of single only seats then [eusa_naugh
They really are pathetic.Most towns dont even have an outlet to get to and in WA they don't even have ticketec.Stiff if you dont have the net [eusa_doh

Good luck to all who got seats anyhow.LK you had your hotel & air fare booked didnt you so pleased you got a ticket icon_thumbs_u
Got 5 cat 2 seats - exactly what I was wanting. Sorry to those that did, but I had absolutely no problems, got straight on the site and straight through all the ticket buying process.

I can't wait.
And just think this is how quick we sell out one game (Sydney have buckley's of doing that), and next year when we are due to get 2 games we have to give one of those up to Melbourne so only have the one game here again :cry: :cry:


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