Stay classy Gal!

Besides, in none of those examples did he hit the other player first while he was pinned down by 2 others, to then take advantage of a dazed guy with his hands down.

Grubby cat of the highest order!
Pretty hypocritical of Gorden Tallis having a go at someone for starting a punch-up. Love and respect the rampaging bull but check out these 2 fights

As a rule of thumb, try to pay attention when you're watching something mate.

Tallis was getting up him because of the swinging arm that led to Myles pushing him.
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As a rule of thumb, try to pay attention when you're watching something mate.

Tallis was getting up him because of the swinging arm that led to Myles pushing him.

I love it how tallis was like "well he only pushed you coz u had the swinging arm while 2 blokes held him"

Gallen somehow denies and then says there was only 1 guy in it. Dickhead
Compared to the fucking retards that want to see fights, yes, I'm quite rightly on a pedestal.

One punch can kill. How many times do we hear it? How many times do we see news of people in comas or killed from a punch up on the street? The outpouring of disgust is palpable....then on the weekend a footy player punches another footy player and dickheads cheer?

The AFL got it right fully outlawing punch ups. The NRL, as usual, lags behind. Quick fix: one punch, one send off. Done. If players got a mandatory send off any time they threw a punch they'd soon learn to control their pea brains a bit more.

I loved Corey Parker's reaction in the after match interview, you could tell he was absolutely seething but he held it back and just said if he wants to carry on with that crap good on him.
As a rule of thumb, try to pay attention when you're watching something mate.

Tallis was getting up him because of the swinging arm that led to Myles pushing him.

I didn't watch it I never watch that show because I think it's a waste of time, a mate sent me a text about it.
i have no problem with all-in brawls in origin. theyre going to happen, cant stop them.

punching someone, effectively king hitting them, is not ok though. thats what gallen did.

its ESPECIALLY not ok when youre the captain of the team, and had just done a swinging arm on the ball carrier from behind when he was being held by 2 other people already.

it shouldve been a send off, sin bin at least. the fact that his only punishment now is missing a game that he probably wasnt going to be playing in anyway is a complete joke.

if theres not any form of payback in 3 weeks time, im going to be VERY disappointed in the QLD team.
Agreed with everything except all in brawls are ok. Bit of push and shove, sure. As soon as a punch is thrown, send off and straight to the judiciary for minimum 2 week ban.
The best form of revenge is picking Papalii and winning the next 2 games. I hope QLD don't bother with square ups. If you can get him good with a legal hit then fine but no punches please.
I just hope we show the same aggression as they did on Wednesday night, I get so frustrated watching my teams getting out enthused and smashed and then not doing anything about it.
I don't read the paper that much these days.

Might have to rethink that....this is a classic. :loool: :loool:
