Stay classy Gal!

Pretty hypocritical of Gorden Tallis having a go at someone for starting a punch-up. Love and respect the rampaging bull but check out these 2 fights

First video is 15 years ago, second is 10 years ago - the game has come a LONG way since then.

And I take it you noticed that Tallis was binned in both cases too? As Grubcunt should have been in Origin. Fucking dirty rotten whinging whore, we better come out firing in Game II...
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Gallen should be mindful of what he accuses other players of. Just watching the first set from the Maroons and he makes a very suspicious tackle on Parker which leaves both men clutching at their heads. Looks like he deliberately uses it.
Agreed with everything except all in brawls are ok. Bit of push and shove, sure. As soon as a punch is thrown, send off and straight to the judiciary for minimum 2 week ban.
Well yeah, but they'll never do that, not when the media and nsw players and coaches are calling gallen a hero for sucker punching someone in the biggest match of the year. Maybe if it was thaiday who decked gallen and left him sleeping in the middle of the field, then it'd probably be banned quicker than gallen can whinge to the ref.
Well yeah, but they'll never do that, not when the media and nsw players and coaches are calling gallen a hero for sucker punching someone in the biggest match of the year.

That's what gets me, them saying Gallen was a hero for the punches, yet they have ads on all the channels saying one punch can kill.

If Gallen did that on the street, he would be arrested & charged for it, but nothing happens when it's on a football field.
And this is where Rugby League needs to grow up. We can't sit back and say "aw gee, foitin's always been part of the game, if you don't want foitin' go watch netball" and at the same time support movements like "one punch can kill". It's just too contradictory.

Time for the NRL to wake up and realise it's not separate to or above society. We need to draw a line in the sand and say NO, punching is NOT acceptable.
In the heat of the moment things happen. I certainly don't condone what Gallen has done, infact I think it was a pretty grubby act. My major issue is with the nSW fans carrying on like his actions made him out to be a hero. There is nothing heroic about hitting someone high then laying 2 big ones on him. Gallen's denial that he didn't do anything wrong and shouldn't have even got a week is ridiculous. My other issue is the officiating. If there hadn't of been a dust up there would have been no penalty, not to mention Gallen should have got 10. They also missed a blatant Jarrod Hayne shoulder charge on Darius Boyd. If they're allowed in origin let Papalli and Te'o at 'em!
Amazing how big of an over-reaction this has caused get real that was nothing compared to what happened in the 80's and to some extent the 90's. None of the players from either side seem to fussed about it, typical of the media blowing things over the top.

Maybe if you are comparing it to Les Boyd's actions it's nothign compared to what happened. Every other time it was two blokes going toe to toe. That wasn't two blokes going toe to toe

I understand punch-ups in football. I remember. I get how, in the heat of the battle, with the adrenalin surging, the eyeballs rolling, possessed by the certain if erroneous conviction that winning the match is the most important thing on earth right now, fists can fly. But I still don't get the Paul Gallen thing in Origin I, and the belting of Nate Myles.Just before half-time on Wednesday night, Gallen comes in with a swinging arm on the already tackled Myles. The Queenslander's head is exposed, with his arms pinned, and so Gallen rattles his brains one more time for good measure. Amazingly, as they all get up, Myles still has his arms by his side, and it is at this point that Gallen unleashes a left-right combination to Myles' head, and a wild melee ensues. This, we're told by Gallen, was a get-square for the nasty way Myles tackles, which he says involves the twisting of knees and use of the head.
But hang on, this is the same Paul Gallen who first came to public notoriety in 2008 for tearing at the freshly inserted stitches of an opponent, gouging away so that the stitches came apart, the blood flowed once more, and he again had to leave the field. This is the bloke who gets to take the high ground about the right and the wrong way to tackle? Please. Most extraordinarily, despite the referee being right there on the spot, Gallen's action wasn't judged as being worth a send-off or time in the sin bin? If that isn't worth a sin-binning, what exactly does it take?
And this is where Rugby League needs to grow up. We can't sit back and say "aw gee, foitin's always been part of the game, if you don't want foitin' go watch netball" and at the same time support movements like "one punch can kill". It's just too contradictory.

Time for the NRL to wake up and realise it's not separate to or above society. We need to draw a line in the sand and say NO, punching is NOT acceptable.

Pretty sure the one punch can kill theme is based on street fights where someone can cop what normally would be an "innocent" punch, only then to fall onto the road or gutter and wind up dead.

I think it's a bit of a stretch to try and link that to a fight on the football field.
Pretty sure the one punch can kill theme is based on street fights where someone can cop what normally would be an "innocent" punch, only then to fall onto the road or gutter and wind up dead.'

I think it's a bit of a stretch to try and link that to a fight on the football field.

No, it's not just based on 'street fights'.

It's about senseless violence.

Yes it's mainly aimed at Gen Y, but it's for everyone to think before the react.
RL in essence is a violent game ......loads of body contact. Aggression. Adrenilin. Tempers are always bound to flare up at some stage.

I still think this is quite different to the one punch can kill theme.
Where in the rules/guidelines/whatever's states that punching is part if the game?

Its called controlled aggression not murder ball. Actually Gallen assaulted Myles as it is outside the rules of the game.
Pretty sure the one punch can kill theme is based on street fights where someone can cop what normally would be an "innocent" punch, only then to fall onto the road or gutter and wind up dead.

I think it's a bit of a stretch to try and link that to a fight on the football field.

No it's based on the fact that one punch can kill, because it can.
To be honest a lot of the punching on etc is all apart of origin, but its they way it is handled that is bullshit. Gallen being treated like a hero for dog shotting someone is complete crap and I would feel the same if a queenslander did it. If gallen had come off the field and said "look mate I got caught up in the moment and I know I shouldn't have done it" there would be no issue. But the fact that nsw have lost their collective shit in praise for him just reinforces to any kids that watch the game that it is fine to hit people as long as you feel you have a reason
Where in the rules/guidelines/whatever's states that punching is part if the game?

Its called controlled aggression not murder ball. Actually Gallen assaulted Myles as it is outside the rules of the game.

It's not part of the game. Gallen should have been binned. No argument.

I just find the demands being made on the NRL by some to ensure it's stamped out of the game completely, on the grounds of the "won't someone think of the children / one punch can kill" guise..... a tad too much to swallow.
To be honest a lot of the punching on etc is all apart of origin, but its they way it is handled that is bull****. Gallen being treated like a hero for dog shotting someone is complete crap and I would feel the same if a queenslander did it. If gallen had come off the field and said "look mate I got caught up in the moment and I know I shouldn't have done it" there would be no issue. But the fact that nsw have lost their collective **** in praise for him just reinforces to any kids that watch the game that it is fine to hit people as long as you feel you have a reason

This is exactly right

The odd punch on is going to happen in a game like Rugby League

The point is afterwards to apologise, not justify it and then be proclaimed a hero

Daley, whom I used to respect, and the rest of the NSWankers have lost their friggen minds