Storm for Wooden Spoon - Betting Suspended

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On the other hand this does bring us back into the race for GI. You'd imagine the wages would be comparable if that rings true.
Flutterby said:
2. Gallop said that the NRL had decreed that players could not take paycuts for 2010 to get the Storm under the cap and competing for points; however they could take paycuts for 2011 and future years. But not 'ridiculous' paycuts - only reduction to the point of what the NRL considers them to be their genuine minimum market value. ie (based on figures that have been speculated) Inglis could take a paycut from current $600,000 to around $400,000 - $450, 000 to stay with the Storm. This to me is ridiculous!!!!

That is an absolute joke.
As I said, that was just what Brad Tallon said Gallop said - I don't know if it's true
m1c said:
On the other hand this does bring us back into the race for GI. You'd imagine the wages would be comparable if that rings true.

I dont think it does!! I'd reckon Inglis wanted to come to the Broncos because he thought he might of been the one to get the arse. I dont buy the whole "personal reasons" Bullshit so id say if the Broncos and Storm offered the exact same amout he will choose the Storm.

Actually if Inglis does take a huge pay cut that is equal to what the Broncos were offering it proves the whole Inglis move wasnt for 'personal reasons" at all!!!
IMO it was for the money, not for the personal reason!!
Nashy said:
His partner works here.

Then either Danny Widler had is info wrong tonight about all of the Storms big 4 being willing to take pay cuts or the info is true which means Ingliss didnt want to move to Brisbane for personal reason but in fact he wanted good cash!!

Its easy to use the fact that his girlfriend works in Brisbane as an excuse to try and jump a sinking ship. If he does stay with the Storm for a muck lower wage then it proves it wasnt for personal reasons.
If the players were soo loyal the storm wouldnt have felt the need to cheat the cap to keep them in the first place, they wont stay below their value.
Donny said:
Then either Danny Widler had is info wrong tonight

Weidler generally has his info wrong about I'd say 90% of the time.

Donny said:
Its easy to use the fact that his girlfriend works in Brisbane as an excuse to try and jump a sinking ship. If he does stay with the Storm for a muck lower wage then it proves it wasnt for personal reasons.

Thing is - she's not just his gf anymore, they have actually gotten engaged, which makes it much more likely he would want to move with her (PS - she isn't actually working here yet, she's just been offered a great job here - which she is most likely going to accept).
nopatience101 said:
If the players were soo loyal the storm wouldnt have felt the need to cheat the cap to keep them in the first place, they wont stay below their value.

They won't be asked to stay below their value - their value is NOT what the Storm have been paying them the last few years, that is well over their value. But I am pretty sure no other club will offer them what they are currently on at the Storm, so if they are going to get pretty much the same to stay as they will to leave, then they may well just decide it is less of a hassle to just stay.
I'm watching the live press conference of the rort audit being released,,,00.html

So far they have said

* the Storm will be $1.3million over the cap for 2011
* there was no evidence of any player knowing that their payments and benefits were a breech of the cap
* Only 1 former player co-operated with the audit.
* the Independent directors refused to co-operate with the audit.
* The four independent have been REMOVED from the board

plus a lot more
No evidence the players knew. lol
Kaz said:
No evidence the players knew. lol

Very shrewdly put by Hartigan IMO. Same with Bellamy. We all know they knew SOMETHING wasn't right, but given there's no evidence, they can't prove anything and so it gets left at that.

His anger with the players for not cooperating was also a good indicator to them that by not cooperating they could not clear their names.
I wonder how the fact that the removal of the independent directors will affect their law suit given that they are supposedly suing the NRL on behalf of the Storm.

Hartigan just said he that NEWS LTD wouldn't dream of selling the Storm until the club has been re-built
I believe Bellamy didn't know. At least he agreed to be interviewed.

The players wanted it confidential & when News didn't agree they refused to talk to them.
Hartigan was saying that by having the big 4 taking up half of cap they will have the big four surrounded by pub players next year...

they just had a crack at the QRL over the independent commission
There's lots of legalities involved with removing directors from a company as it is. Given they were launching their legal action against the NRL without the support of the majority of the board and the shareholders suggests it's got very little legs.

It's a bizarre set of circumstances.
Foordy said:
Hartigan just said he that NEWS LTD wouldn't dream of selling the Storm until the club has been re-built

Who would buy them.
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