Storm for Wooden Spoon - Betting Suspended

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Browny said:
You guys pour fuel on the fire everytime

Yep. Same with Huge, AP, QLDER, me...people just keep arguing when they could just l et it die.
Coxy said:
Browny said:
You guys pour fuel on the fire everytime

Yep. Same with Huge, AP, QLDER, me...people just keep arguing when they could just l et it die.
Some people are worth the argument, others not so much...
ON February 25 this year, Dr Alan Rob Moodie walked into Carlton Police Station with a statutory declaration claiming the Melbourne Storm were $9715 below the salary cap.

Under the watch of constable Caitlin Jones - a registered Justice of the Peace - Moodie signed the document, which confirmed his belief that the "contents of the report are true and correct in every particular".

Five months later, the setting has adopted an ironic twist because, while no evidence has been uncovered to suggest Moodie had any knowledge of the rorts, police are now reviewing the scandal.

Disgraced former CEO Matt Hanson's copy was signed almost three weeks later before a solictor, whose services he might require once more should the Victorian police decide to press perjury charges.Both Moodie and Hanson's declarations were attached to a ledger detailing a breakdown of payments for Melbourne's top 25 players this season.

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According to the list, the squad was valued at $4,090,285 after concessions and bonuses had been taken into account - $9,715 below the $4.1 million cap.

According to the NRL's subsequent findings in April that saw the club stripped of two premierships and ruled ineligible to compete for points this year, the true amount was $4,815,214 - a breach of $724,956.

Last week, the transgression was racheted beyond seven figures when club owner News Limited (publisher of The Daily Telegraph) released its independent audit of Melbourne's books.

When the dust settled, there was a $1,018,253 discrepancy between the figure pledged in the statutory declarations and that discovered by the independent auditor, Deloitte.

Hanson did not return calls last night while Moodie - in Vienna for an AIDS conference - was not available for comment.

The NRL, which drew-up the statutory declaration and received them as part of its annual salary cap audit, was yesterday shown the full audit report and revealed further inquiries would now be made.

"I can confirm our solicitors and [salary cap auditor] Ian Schubert met with Deloitte yesterday afternoon and were shown the full report," Gallop said.

"As a result of the presentation, there's more information we'll be asking for."

In response to the declarations supplied by Moodie and Hanson, Gallop said: "It's a serious obligation for the chairman and CEO of the club to provide us with a statutory declaration that sets out the club's true position," Gallop said. "We want true disclosure of what the club's top 25 players are being paid - it's not to be taken lightly."

The declarations confirm the signatory has made "all due and proper inquiries in order to ascertain the nature and the amount of all of the remuneration."

It also warns the signatory of the provisions of Victoria's Evidence Act, which sets penalties, including imprisonment, for those who provide false information. The matter has been referred to Victoria Police for investigation. ... 5895330745

Moodie and Hanson should both be charged with perjury [icon_non
Those two don't bother me as much as News does. The only reason that story got run is to discredit both Moodie and Hansen who in the last few days have come out and tipped the bucket on some high ranking News Limited officials.

Moodie is right, News have the ethics of big time tobacco.
m1c said:
Those two don't bother me as much as News does. The only reason that story got run is to discredit both Moodie and Hansen who in the last few days have come out and tipped the bucket on some high ranking News Limited officials.

Moodie is right, News have the ethics of big time tobacco.

Every media organisation in this country is corrupt. No surprise.
Is that all. Just the regular abusers. Simply amazing. I can infer that some poster is thick-headed and hell -fire rains on me with warnings and threats in abundance but I did not. I simply stated my views which did not include any abuse or belittlement of any others. I say nothing to anyone, make no inferences and merely make one self-deprecating remark and scorn and abuse are hurled my way yet no action from any admins, no warnings that some are over the line , no admonishment of the slanderers. What is it about fairness and equity that the admins do not get.

For the final time I say this.

Melbourne gained an advantage...right ?? I got it okay ??
It came from over paying to keep the original group together...I got it and understand it ..right ?

It does not change a thing. They are the premiers for those years they won it and deserve all the success they produced.

Money changes nothing just like it does not change the fact that the abusers on here on any wage would still be unthinking, immature clods. Even were we to pay you a hundred times what you are pitifully paid now you would still be unable to make a sound judgement supported by logical reasoning. You lack the capacity to see past your bias and that is why you will always be at the bottom of the barrel looking at those of us motoring by in our expensive and oh so luxurious vehicles. If only it were possible for you to sit back and truly say, hang on, I may be wrong , I'll just stop and consider for a moment the proposition from someone elses perspective, in this instance perhaps a Melbourne Storm player.
OK time to come clean, Who is Huge?

No one can talk such arrogant crap as he does without it just being another poster baiting the forum. Is Huge the greatest bait in BHQ history?
Huge is a master baiter!
Huge. said:
Is that all. Just the regular abusers. Simply amazing. I can infer that some poster is thick-headed and hell -fire rains on me with warnings and threats in abundance but I did not. I simply stated my views which did not include any abuse or belittlement of any others. I say nothing to anyone, make no inferences and merely make one self-deprecating remark and scorn and abuse are hurled my way yet no action from any admins, no warnings that some are over the line , no admonishment of the slanderers. What is it about fairness and equity that the admins do not get.

For the final time I say this.

Melbourne gained an advantage...right ?? I got it okay ??
It came from over paying to keep the original group together...I got it and understand it ..right ?

It does not change a thing. They are the premiers for those years they won it and deserve all the success they produced.

Money changes nothing just like it does not change the fact that the abusers on here on any wage would still be unthinking, immature clods. Even were we to pay you a hundred times what you are pitifully paid now you would still be unable to make a sound judgement supported by logical reasoning. You lack the capacity to see past your bias and that is why you will always be at the bottom of the barrel looking at those of us motoring by in our expensive and oh so luxurious vehicles. If only it were possible for you to sit back and truly say, hang on, I may be wrong , I'll just stop and consider for a moment the proposition from someone elses perspective, in this instance perhaps a Melbourne Storm player.

They do not deserve their success because they broke the rules. The fact that they were paying over the salary cap to retain players they had previously recruited rather than buying top-line players is irrelevant. It is an explanation as to what occurred, not an excuse for it. They had an unfair advantage over the rest of the League.
Seems it's a hard concept to understand for Huge.

Let's put it simply:

Broncos, by obeying the rules, let go of Petero Civoniceva, Ben Hannant, Brent Tate, Casey McGuire, Shaun Berrigan, Darius Boyd, Michael Ennis, Karmichael Hunt, all of whom played at times during the Broncos' last premiership year in 2006, and all but Ennis and Hannant came through the Broncos' system and only played first grade with them before leaving.

Storm, by breaking the rules, was able to retain all of the star players it produced that they wanted to keep.

Therein is the advantage they had.

If you can't follow that, then I think your extremely condescending abuse of the "unthinking, immature clods" would be best directed at the nearest mirror.
Huge. said:
Is that all. Just the regular abusers. Simply amazing. I can infer that some poster is thick-headed and hell -fire rains on me with warnings and threats in abundance but I did not. I simply stated my views which did not include any abuse or belittlement of any others. I say nothing to anyone, make no inferences and merely make one self-deprecating remark and scorn and abuse are hurled my way yet no action from any admins, no warnings that some are over the line , no admonishment of the slanderers. What is it about fairness and equity that the admins do not get.

For the final time I say this.

Melbourne gained an advantage...right ?? I got it okay ??
It came from over paying to keep the original group together...I got it and understand it ..right ?

It does not change a thing. They are the premiers for those years they won it and deserve all the success they produced.

Money changes nothing just like it does not change the fact that the abusers on here on any wage would still be unthinking, immature clods. Even were we to pay you a hundred times what you are pitifully paid now you would still be unable to make a sound judgement supported by logical reasoning. You lack the capacity to see past your bias and that is why you will always be at the bottom of the barrel looking at those of us motoring by in our expensive and oh so luxurious vehicles. If only it were possible for you to sit back and truly say, hang on, I may be wrong , I'll just stop and consider for a moment the proposition from someone elses perspective, in this instance perhaps a Melbourne Storm player.

lolz, fail.

Do drug cheats get to keep their Olympic Medals? hell no. Should cheats get to keep Premierships? of course not.
READ CAREFULLY.....I f..king know they cheated. I wrote as much. I don't agree with the Storm cheating .It was wrong. Got it now you retards ?? I got it I got it already. As my ability to understand complex issues is so much greater than most mere mortals you would think you people would have deduced my obvious comprehension but alas, no. Tards. What is truly amazing but not surprising is the complete delusion you all seem to share that yours, and yours alone, can be the only (truest sense of the word, unique) view. Not only that but you actually think yours is the view shared by all and opposing views should be either derided or pitied.

The only benefit I can see is most of you will sail on serenely through life without ever having had an original thought and oblivious to any other level of comprehension. Truly ignorance is bliss and boy, you people are sure full of bliss !!!!...Most of you seem humble and modest and I'd suggest, with good f..king reason.
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