Storm for Wooden Spoon - Betting Suspended

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"What people fail to understand is why this club has been successful is not because of what has happened, not because of paying players too much. It's because of the culture in the joint," Finch said.

"The culture is tremendous here, and it goes right through the place.

"Players keep coming through too and they just keep it churning.

"Storm has lost plenty of players over the years, plenty, and someone else, someone young, always pops up because the culture of the club breeds them that way.

"Whether or not they have the experience there, and they might not, but the attitude will be right and the hard work which the club is built on will be done next year.

"That's the only thing that made me wait and wait before leaving. I would love nothing more than to be here next year. To go around one more time for something".
Is that you Huge??
Clearly then my view is at least shared with one other. I prefer to think it is shared with many who can see past the hysteria surrounding the over payments. Storm cheated the cap but the effects of over payment were not to cheat the playing of the game fairly, rather to cheat at retaining the players. As I've said all along.
But retaining players like that while other clubs are forced to let their home grown talent go is surely cheating the game and the "fair play" the salary cap brings with it.
I'm more interested to learn what kind of 'luxurious car' Huge drives with his expansive salary.
Huge. said:
Clearly then my view is at least shared with one other. I prefer to think it is shared with many who can see past the hysteria surrounding the over payments. Storm cheated the cap but the effects of over payment were not to cheat the playing of the game fairly, rather to cheat at retaining the players. As I've said all along.

I think there is a flaw in your argument though Huge, because not only did it allow them to retain the players that they developed, the Storm still regularly went to the market and purchased players as well. So not only did they get the benefit of retaining the superstars that they developed, thereby denying other clubs the opportunity of strengthening their roster, they also purchased additional players, something they could not have done if they had not been cheating. A penalty was warranted, it is then a value judgment as to whether the penalty imposed was appropriate or too harsh. Where the benefit of the cheating is a successful team which wins a premiership and denies the other clubs a fair opportunity of achieving that, I can see morally that it is appropriate that the titles are taken from the Storm.
Quality response on first drunken impression. Will respond when lucid.Also got to check who they bought over those years against the average across clubs. If it bears out they bought/imported players well below the average then it will strengthen my belief that they overall gained little except solidarity. Still have tipped in an enormous amount of puess bro and could be full of shit....
Some of the names I have been able to come up with in that time frame are Ben Cross, Ryan Hinchcliffe, Brett Finch, Bryan Norrie, Chase Stanley, Todd Lowrie, Dane Nielsen, Luke McDougall, Anthony Quinn, William Isa, Jeff Lima, Michael Crocker. So they have been able to add a few `good' players but substantially add to their depth as well.
lynx000 said:
Some of the names I have been able to come up with in that time frame are Ben Cross, Ryan Hinchcliffe, Brett Finch, Bryan Norrie, Chase Stanley, Todd Lowrie, Dane Nielsen, Luke McDougall, Anthony Quinn, William Isa, Jeff Lima, Michael Crocker. So they have been able to add a few `good' players but substantially add to their depth as well.
and before they came to the storm, hardly any of those players were regarded as anything more than decent at best.

they got finch on a bargain basement deal because noone else wanted him, and he left his team mid-season. chase stanley, bryan norrie, william isa? i STILL dont know who they are, so theyre not exactly big names.
I am a fan of Bellamy and his methods. But it's much easier to develop a "culture" when you have an illegally assembled team.
Anonymous person said:
gUt said:
I am a fan of Bellamy and his methods. But it's much easier to develop a "culture" when you have an illegally assembled team.
please explain?

I was reponding to the idea that the players stayed because of the culture first and foremost.
The names are hardly first choice head-liners but it is apparent they were able to buy extras . What is'nt there is the number of players let go or lost to the club. If a comparison were truly possible(you'd have to have notional values) then I seriously doubt the Storm were able to buy much at all.

They did retain some home grown talent but it would be a bit rich to say they denied other clubs a chance as those other clubs do not bother(or are not so good at)retaining or developing their own. The old argument with the Sydney teams refusing to develop their own and preferring to buy other peoples work for a basement price.

By the way, I drive a late model commodore but I reagrd it as a tool like, say, a wheelbarrow or mower. It does it's job. One of my other cars is 1946 Plymouth and that's a car I love. There are 8 more plus a 900 cc bike.Boats etc, but mainly houses lots of houses
Oh, so when you said you drive around in a luxury car, you actually meant you drive around in a fairly common car, likely shared by many on this board, and and old bucket of crap that no one cares about except pre WWII car collectors.

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