NEWS Super League version 2 ??????????????



International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Rothfield reporting that Abdo and Vlandy's have cancelled their trip to the World Cup as the club funding dispute has reached breaking point.

He reports that a handful of clubs have privately raised the option of a breakaway league.

A breakaway league is made easier by the fact that all 16 established club's licence agreements expire at the end of 2023.

The new NRL financial year started on November 1 and so far theres:

  • No salary cap for 2023
  • No club funding agreement
  • No collective bargaining deal
  • No playing schedule for next year
  • And no relationship with the NSWRL, with whom they are involved in legal action.

Vlandys is backing Abdo, he says:

“I respect the fact that everyone is trying to maximise the returns to themselves,” he said.

“However what I find most disappointing is that they are attacking Andrew Abdo with falsehoods.

“No one has worked harder for the game to get it to the healthy position it’s now in.

“You’ve got to play the ball, not the player.

“I’m confident we will get a resolution which not everyone is going to like but at the end of the day that’s why you have an independent commission.”

Panthers CEO, Brian Fletcher, says:

“Peter has got to realise we need some answers and we need some transparency,” Fletcher said.

“We’ve asked for a balance sheet from Magic Round.

“We put on the show but we never see anything. It’s actually deplorable. Show us the figures.

“It’s hard to support them when you think they are robbing you.

“The clubs are the shareholders.

“How much did they make out of the grand final? And why rob the people that put the game on.”

Pressed again on a breakaway competition, Fletcher said:

“The clubs aren’t going to be 100 percent dictated to. Abdo is using the word commission.

“I don’t think all of them even know what’s going on here.

“All the clubs want is $5 million on top of the cap which we need.

“It’s peanuts when they’re skiting about making $50 million over two pages in the paper.”

Fletcher has offered to sit down with V’landys.

“Maybe they are trying to starve us out and the financially weaker clubs will give in,” he said.

“The stronger clubs won’t be, I can guarantee that.

“Clint (Newton) is no pushover either. He’s got a strong board behind him and the players aren’t going to cop it.

“Maybe I’ll go and talk to Peter to see where we can go with a bit of common sense.”


QCup Player
Sep 1, 2017
Hypothetically, if there's no salary cap right now, could a team overpay their top players with lump sums, and technically it can't count towards the cap?
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Steve Harvey Lol GIF by ABC Network

What a fucking shitshow this administration is.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Hypothetically, if there's no salary cap right now, could a team overpay their top players with lump sums, and technically it can't count towards the cap?

I can’t see why not. I mean you could argue the current EBA should have a clause in it that essentially says it is game on on the same terms until a new one is in place but this needs to be agreed to by all parties I would think. But you could easily cite a media report / communication implying it will go up and get away with it to an extent.

Vlandys really is looking like the death of the NRL though it seems to be happening quicker than I thought it would.

Please start a new super league, please please please or at least make Abdo and Vlandys be removed.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Hypothetically, if there's no salary cap right now, could a team overpay their top players with lump sums, and technically it can't count towards the cap?

There is still a salary cap. It will remain the same amount until the deal is done and it's increased.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Please start a new super league, please please please or at least make Abdo and Vlandys be removed.
It's probably the Sydney clubs getting the shits this time around, so it's more likely to be NSWRL 2.0 rather than Super League 2.0.... which would be the death of rugba leeeg in Aust.... but hey at least Buzz would get to see Newtown vs Bears again, because that's all that matters apparently.


NRL Captain
Mar 28, 2008
Did Greasy Pete just save rugby league so he could kill it himself?


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
it's just ramblings to get V'landys to hurry the **** up with next years cap and do his actual job.

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