Tallis Banner

Worked out to be 1.5 x 2m. I'd like it bigger (shuddup Harry) but even at this size it'll be difficult for one person to hold it. Will probs need 2, or 3 if you don't want to piss off the people next to you (people behind can **** off).


Awww, you're no fun. Port is blushing and hurt right now though.......

Solid work on the banner though. Whoever holds it, be prepared to make it on tv imo.
Worked out to be 1.5 x 2m. I'd like it bigger (shuddup Harry) but even at this size it'll be difficult for one person to hold it. Will probs need 2, or 3 if you don't want to piss off the people next to you (people behind can **** off).


That's pretty fucken awesome dude. It should go to someone with good seats where it'll be highly visible. Anyone got seats near the tunnel?

Looks like a purdy print setup you've got there, how much would it cost to print out a life sized Justin Hodges or Corey Oates? I'm asking because a friend might be interested...
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Harry can't read this, but I'll let him know to bring a strap-on next time... :takdir:
That's pretty fucken awesome dude.

Looks like a purdy print setup you've got there, how much would it cost to print out a life sized Justin Hodges or Corey Oates? I'm asking because a friend might be interested...

I'll wager he has the life size Justin saved somewhere on his 1TB flash drive....

Stellar work as ever [MENTION=8215]Morkel[/MENTION] and massive credit to [MENTION=8566]Tera[/MENTION] for the dope AF design.
Worked out to be 1.5 x 2m. I'd like it bigger (shuddup Harry) but even at this size it'll be difficult for one person to hold it. Will probs need 2, or 3 if you don't want to piss off the people next to you (people behind can **** off).


Fucking love it
ita a shame I'm not going to any more games at Suncorp this year
i normally sit third row so I could hold this up for sure
Man that's an awesome banner. Fucking mint. I hope it's on TV and Matty Johns brings it up.
That Masterfoods tomato sauce deserves a raise.

Secret tip. It's actually filled with stuff that strips UV-cured ink off stuff. Like paint stripper but on steroids. But don't worry, there's a label.

That's pretty fucken awesome dude. It should go to someone with good seats where it'll be highly visible. Anyone got seats near the tunnel?

Looks like a purdy print setup you've got there, how much would it cost to print out a life sized Justin Hodges or Corey Oates? I'm asking because a friend might be interested...

Like Harry sorta alluded to, the limitation is the file quality. Hell, I could make a 200% life size Justin in one piece on a 4000 x 1500mm sheet, CNC routed and all, but you won't find a file off the internets that is decent enough quality to sticky tape to the ceiling above your bed. Even a high res Getty Images shot will be pushing it, and they're not cheap.

For the giggles, cost of a corflute one would be about $100, PVC $150, aluminium composite $200.
If the cameras catch sight of this, both Triple M and Fox who Tallis works for will pick it up in a heartbeat. We can only hope Tallis takes another swipe at the club in the same week without even knowing the middle finger that's coming his way. I can see it happening if Roberts doesn't miss a game.

If the questioning from the likes of Dan Ginane and Matty Johns is soft on what Tallis problem with the Broncos is, it will be 1. disappointing and 2. typical.
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If the cameras catch sight of this, both Triple M and Fox who Tallis works for will pick it up in a heartbeat. We can only hope Tallis takes another swipe at the club in the same week without even knowing the middle finger that's coming his way. I can see it happening if Roberts doesn't miss a game.

If the questioning from the likes of Dan Ginane and Matty Johns is soft on what Tallis problem with the Broncos is, it will be 1. disappointing and 2. typical.

This, it will be spotted by someone who will tip someone off etc etc.

The reaction will be giggle worthy to say the least.