Who is the Greatest of All Time?

  • Federer

  • Nadal

  • Djokovic

  • Other

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that's what he's saying.

theres also reports of him testing positive for COVID on December 16 ... and photo's of him a an event shaking peoples hands while unmasked on December 17 (photo's from his own instagram account).

i don't know what the truth is ... but he wouldn't be the first guy to go into court and try to shift the blame to someone else

Novak is lying through his teeth. Hope he cops a 3 year ban the arrogant ****.
Yeah, I'm only going on what's been reported, but it seems like Novak's team were trying to bullshit their way in to the comp while sidestepping vaccination.

* Was given approval by Tennis Australia for an exemption based on their rules, but didn't consult the Australian Government on entry in to the country. Their "exemption" was based on TA allowing a previous Covid infection (in the last 6 months) as a viable alternative to vaccination. However this is not a viable alternative under Australia's entry rules, and this was apparently made clear to Tennis Australia prior to Novak seeking entry.

* There doesn't seem to be any actual evidence of Novak having returned a positive test, though it may exist and just hasn't been presented yet. As stated above, at the time of the positive test, he went to numerous public events without any mask or protection. The disclaimer here though is that it is unclear whether the date stated is when the test was taken, or when the test results were known, etc.

* On top of that, there seems to have been a deadline for confirming entry in to the competition that Novak missed. The only way that players are able to confirm after that date is if there was an instance of Covid making them unable to confirm earlier. However the date of the deadline was earlier than when he supposedly had Covid, which is very convenient. This is why people are suggesting that the positive Covid test is fraudulent, as, without it, he would have missed the deadline with no other grounds to apply at a later date.
It sounds like Djokovic is going to get the decision overturned and be allowed in the country.
His visa can still be cancelled and he still can be forced to leave the country. The Minister for Citizenship has that power.

But they won’t do that now.
Ahahaha they fucked the paperwork. So he's in on a technicality.

Reckon he's booed now?
ABF over reaching and stuffing it up? Well, I never!
Be interesting to see how Scomo spins this one. Massive loss for him and Novak will probably now win the tournament just to rub it in his face.

Crowd being against Djoker is nothing new, he thrives on it.
i really hope the minister uses his power to cancel Novak's visa, missing not only this years Aus open but the next 3
It won’t happen now.

The optics would be terrible for the Government.

Not really sure that matters now because it already looks terrible. He’ll stay, I’ve said it all along but the horse has bolted in terms of how it all looks.
Cancelling it now would probably be worse for the Government.

He lied and people seem okay with that, which to me is pretty pathetic. We have border controls for a reason, and COVID or not, he has lied, and or shown that he shouldn't pass a character test to enter the country. Imagine hanging out with a bunch of kids the day after your positive result. What an absolute fucking ****.

Oh but he's good at tennis. Get absolutely fucked.

It's a very PC world when people think border restrictions are for fun and that rich people can do whatever the **** they want while the most vulnerable people who actually live here can't do shit.