probably ... although i don't think it will work, which is why TA have a back up plan, depending on when the decision will be made.
it's been reported that Novaks legal team have provided heaps of documents trying to convince the minister not to pull the trigger, so it could be that it's taking time to go through the submission.
or maybe it's simply that they're trying to avoid appearing petty by ignoring the courts ruling, and if Novak has provided them with the silver bullet, where they don't actually have to use this power, all the better for it. and if that's the case, they're probably seeking legal advice to ensure their case is bullet proof before proceeding.
or maybe they're just waiting for Novak's reputation to hit rock bottom, and allowing his bad press to continue (his rivals are doing a pretty good job of that)
we can speculate all day about the reason's for the delay, but heres a question, has any Immigration Minister ever used this power before? it would certainly be the first time for someone with the profile of Novak Djokovic