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Todays reporting:

The Federal Government claim the delay is due to Djokovic's lawyers employing delaying tactics by saying that for a second day his legal team had dumped documents in a bid to halt the dispute.

sources close to the Djokovic camp claim that they have only submitted a single page document with one line of text.

the report also says that the the Government are determined to continue the fight, by are "extremely concerned" about losing for a second time. However, some senior figures in government have been urging the decision makers not to back down, even if that risked them suffering another, saying that the government need to continue the fight to be seen as defending the integrity of our border policy.

sources say the decision will "almost definitely" be made today :popcorn:

p.s. i had to laugh at that single page document with one line of text claim ... because when in the history of lawyers have they ever submitted anything so succinct ... lawyers usual policy is why use one word when 1000 will do, lol

Breaking fake news:

The document says: Please, please, please let him stay and he’ll be a good boy - promise!
Breaking fake news:

The document says: Please, please, please let him stay and he’ll be a good boy - promise!

The way they're carrying on I would say it's more like "Suck it up and let him in, imagine if you **** this up again?"
He claimed it is hard for some players to accept that Djokovic is getting exemptions.

"I respect that he fights for what he believes and I can be empathetic with what he is going through in Australia, but it's a bit selfish from him to arrive here as the only player unvaccinated," Sousa is reported to have said.

"It's tough for us players to accept that".

This shouldn't even be in the Gov's hands.

TA should have told him from the outset..... he simply can't play if he isn't vaccinated.
End of fucken story....
This shouldn't even be in the Gov's hands.

TA should have told him from the outset..... he simply can't play if he isn't vaccinated.
End of fucken story....

TA weighing up "doing the right thing" and "money".
Djokovic's reputation continuing to take a battering.

The french Journo who Djokovic went to an interview with while supposedly being COVID positive has revealed he wasn't aware of the positive test until it was revealed when he entered Australia.

so the question is being asked, why Djokovic didn't tell the journo he was at risk of COVID? also did he tell the organizers of those events that the kids were at risk, and if he didn't, why not?
TA weighing up "doing the right thing" and "money".

I've actually seen a question raised online about how Djokovic was even able to register for the AO. because apparently the registrations for the Open closed on December 10, meaning that at the time of registering for the event, Djokovic would have known there was no way to gain a medical exemption (using the infected in the last 6 months theory TA said he could) ... therefore the question is he clairvoyant?
He was most likely told by TA.....don't worry about it mate, when the time comes, we'll sort it out.

Spineless money grubbing *****......
Deadlines like that don't exist when it's one of your biggest products who already thinks they can do whatever the **** they like. It's just proving that people haven't been wrong when they have called him an arrogant **** over the years.

@Foordy - He didn't want to let the journo down is what he said. Fuckin lying ****.
I’m ok for him to stay provided he flies in enough rat tests for ten per person in Australia

Seems fair
Serbia have come out claiming that Djokovic has a diplomatic passport which should provide him with "adequate treatment" when crossing international borders.

First counsellor at the Serbian embassy, Ivana Isidorovic says:

"Djokovic, as our most recognisable representative in the world, is the holder of a diplomatic passport, which should, in diplomatic theory and consular practice, guarantee him adequate treatment when crossing borders,”

Migration legal expert Kian Bone says:

“In my view, any claim for diplomatic immunity is only extended to ‘diplomatic agents’ and would not extend to a private citizen of Serbia,” Mr Bone said.

He said diplomatic passport holders, when entering the country on business – including to play in the Australian Open – would normally still have to apply for the appropriate visa to enter Australia.

DFAT website states:

“Diplomatic and Official Passports do not confer on the holder any special rights or privileges”.

“Individual countries may confer, at their discretion, certain rights and privileges to holders of Diplomatic and Official Passports.”
sources close to the Djokovic camp claim that they have only submitted a single page document with one line of text.
Found it...

I'm sure they'll keep waffling on the decision until he walks on the court.

If he gets booed then ABF will rappel out of a black hawk and throw him on the next plane to Croatia. Cheers then Scotty will appear on the video screen all misty eyed and let him stay for the good of Melbourne.
Is Alex Hawke waiting for prime time to drop his bomb or something.

let's get this over with, kick this asshole out of the country!!!!
If a regular middle eastern person comes here and fills out something wrong on their card, at least we know that they will get full due diligence completed before a business trip ruining deportation may occur.
Djokovic has had his visa CANCELLED and will be deported ... prepare for the court case.

Alex Hawke says:

“Today I exercised my power under section 133C(3) of the Migration Act to cancel the visa held by Mr Novak Djokovic on health and good order grounds, on the basis that it was in the public interest to do so,” Hawke’s statement said,

“This decision followed orders by the Federal Circuit and Family Court on 10 January 2022, quashing a prior cancellation decision on procedural fairness grounds.

“In making this decision, I carefully considered information provided to me by the Department of Home Affairs, the Australian Border Force and Mr Djokovic.

“The Morrison Government is firmly committed to protecting Australia’s borders, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I thank the officers of the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Border Force who work every day to serve Australia’s interests in increasingly challenging operational environments.”