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Dunno........Nick is a complete and utter wanker


Stefanos needs to grow a pair and stop whining like a little bitch.
I don't care what anyone says I fucken love Krygios, he is the Happy Gilmore of tennis.

I wouldn't even watch tennis otherwise, and I've watched all his games at Wimbledon.

The same reason I love Gamble, characters make the sport better, plus he is all talent a proper entertainer.
Two entitled, overpaid man-children. Sissy Pants and his father are just as disrespectful as what he complained of Kyrgios. Kyrgios little asked the ref "are you dumb?". In presser Kyrgios says: "why apologise, I paid the fine?". No cop to the fact that the fine is to deter him from doing these disrepectful things that bring the sport into disrepute, but he shows no remorse. This is why fines on rich ***** don't work.

Two wankers hit balls at each other and one left crying.
Two entitled, overpaid man-children. Sissy Pants and his father are just as disrespectful as what he complained of Kyrgios. Kyrgios little asked the ref "are you dumb?". In presser Kyrgios says: "why apologise, I paid the fine?". No cop to the fact that the fine is to deter him from doing these disrepectful things that bring the sport into disrepute, but he shows no remorse. This is why fines on rich ***** don't work.

Two wankers hit balls at each other and one left crying.
Nah Kyrgios is just good, tennis is a sport that is way too uptight and Nick puts that on it's head you love to see it.

Aussies tell it like it is, atleast the real ones.

Can't fault the characters who keep it genuine warts and all, sure he is a dickhead but he is our dickhead.
Nah Kyrgios is just good, tennis is a sport that is way too uptight and Nick puts that on it's head you love to see it.

Aussies tell it like it is, atleast the real ones.

Can't fault the characters who keep it genuine warts and all, sure he is a dickhead but he is our dickhead.
I can fault them as a person. That is my right. Do you think it's fine to call the ref dumb? Literally the first thing one learns playing sport is to respect the ref.

I don't want dickheads on my team. We have standard social behaviours for a reason, and this behaviour is the first step to losing a sport because little shits will copy him and all the refs will just go away because some idiot takes it too far and punches one.

Sorry, you are wrong in excusing his bad behaviour just because he's "ours". That dickhead would want nothing to do with you, a pleb.
I can fault them as a person. That is my right. Do you think it's fine to call the ref dumb? Literally the first thing one learns playing sport is to respect the ref.

I don't want dickheads on my team. We have standard social behaviours for a reason, and this behaviour is the first step to losing a sport because little shits will copy him and all the refs will just go away because some idiot takes it too far and punches one.

Sorry, you are wrong in excusing his bad behaviour just because he's "ours". That dickhead would want nothing to do with you, a pleb.
Honestly yes, whatever works for him works for him, mind games and all.

He isn't a clean skin we all know that and yes it will attract the younger crowd to be like that but so what, professional sport is based on entertainment and it has to base it self around that to survive, without fans and TV money sports lack the money to progress.

Kyrgios is 100% good for the sport even with the dickhead behaviour, but lets be real he isn't doing that every game he is on the line, half his games at Wimbledon soo far have been uneventful in that regard, let look at first game against Judd, his big issue was spitting in the direction of a spectator that was hostile big fucking deal(in any other sport would this even be highlighted?), and with Tsisipas well he was secondary to the Shithousery that was going on so what's the issue?

I get that the line judge issue was there but let's be real Wimbledon is only tournament that even uses them still, most have gone full electronic so all the issues there wouldn't of ever been picked up.

I don't give a flying **** to be honest he is ours as shown in the support of the Aus open he fucking is ours yes.

I'll be honest though his behaviour at wells was shit, and at other tournaments it's fair to boot him him off but even still I don't care will still back him.
Honestly yes, whatever works for him works for him, mind games and all.

He isn't a clean skin we all know that and yes it will attract the younger crowd to be like that but so what, professional sport is based on entertainment and it has to base it self around that to survive, without fans and TV money sports lack the money to progress.

Kyrgios is 100% good for the sport even with the dickhead behaviour, but lets be real he isn't doing that every game he is on the line, half his games at Wimbledon soo far have been uneventful in that regard, let look at first game against Judd, his big issue was spitting in the direction of a spectator that was hostile big fucking deal(in any other sport would this even be highlighted?), and with Tsisipas well he was secondary to the Shithousery that was going on so what's the issue?

I get that the line judge issue was there but let's be real Wimbledon is only tournament that even uses them still, most have gone full electronic so all the issues there wouldn't of ever been picked up.

I don't give a flying **** to be honest he is ours as shown in the support of the Aus open he fucking is ours yes.
Says a lot when you forsake the morals and standards of a sporting code because it's "good for the sport". If the sport needs dickheads like Kyrgios and Sissypants to survive, I can't imagine it lasting long. Next thing you know they will change the rules to allow multi-ball and BLEEERRRRNNNNN!!

Says a lot when you forsake the morals and standards of a sporting code because it's "good for the sport". If the sport needs dickheads like Kyrgios and Sissypants to survive, I can't imagine it lasting long. Next thing you know they will change the rules to allow multi-ball and BLUUURRRRNNNNN!!
Look if he goes to far **** him off, but even still I like watching him, what will you do?

The guy is fun to watch fight me.

Sport is entertainment and fucking oath I'm entertained.

if he breaks the rules I'm not against kicking him off but all I'm saying is I will still back him when he plays, I don't give a flying **** he is he good to watch he is our dickhead and I back him.

like I have said before there are times where I fully agree he has gone too far but I still like watching him, rules are rules if he breaks them the **** him off sure.
Nick Kyrgios should have been hit as a child. Instead we get what you see today.
he might of won a slam if that happened but instead we get the entertainment, I'll take it.

Every other tennis fucker is a fake PR robot give me nick every day.
he might of won a slam if that happened but instead we get the entertainment, I'll take it.

Every other tennis fucker is a fake PR robot give me nick every day.
I find his behaviour a lot more cringeworthy than entertaining tbh. Each to their own though.
Kyrgios is a character, he is also a jerk. I want to punch him in the face sometimes but I still do enjoy watching him as well and you can be sure that event organisers both anticipate and dread him coming to their tournaments. He brings fans in and he also makes other fans angry. He is an interesting person, he also comes across as a pretty big idiot at times. He is an enigma and it is both fun and annoying at various times.

On another note, TWO Aussies into the quarters! It should have been 3 but Alex blew it, that will be hard to come back from, especially because he is Hewett 2.0, great fighter but no weapons.

Kyrgios SHOULD make the semis now and so should Tomljanovic. I genuinely think Tomljanovic CAN go all the way but will she?
That was some choke from de Minaur.

Up by two sets to lose the next three straight.
It doesn't completely tell the full story. The other dude has some decent power and went up a couple of levels. De Minaur being the Hewett type that is fought and scrapped for everything but just didn't have any weapons to fight back with. He'll be this high teens / low twenties player for most of his career and nothing wrong with that.
Although it wouldn't suprise me that Nick would have an offence in this regard, I have to say that it wouldn't suprise me if this was absolutely nothing. His ex girlfriend is even more spastic than him, she seems to be a gaslighting mental case from everything I've seen.

I always come back to the advice @Nashy once gave on here, you don't put your d into crazy
Although it wouldn't suprise me that Nick would have an offence in this regard, I have to say that it wouldn't suprise me if this was absolutely nothing. His ex girlfriend is even more spastic than him, she seems to be a gaslighting mental case from everything I've seen.

I always come back to the advice @Nashy once gave on here, you don't put your d into crazy
Same opinion, really, but it has implications on him. The ATP had an earlier case with Zverev which is still all kinds of confusing, and this will heap more pressure on the ATP from the media madhouse. This means that he will also have more pressure on himself, and may be more likely to act out.