I, or others have answered them previously, yet you constantly ignore them. What was that saying you love so much about a pot and a kettle. I'll answer them for the last time because this is getting ridiculous.
- Who said Bennett was not an improvement on griffin? I personally think it has been said or at the very least Inferred. Pretty sure AP has said it. I don't really think I have claimed people have said that, I have responded several times to people claiming that Bennett can't coach, which I have every right to do.
How many times did the Broncos have a big post Origin slump post 2000 under Bennett? pretty much every year I believe. Once again I never claimed the didn't (this is another example of how you take what I post in reply to AP out of context). Of course we had post origin form slumps, we did with griffin and Henjak too. My two points in regard to this was that:
A) denying that it had anything to do with the heavy representation we have in origin is lunacy
B) WB obviously found a way to get us out of it at least once seeing we won the premiership in 2006 (although we fluked that as you claim)
- Who, besides AP, has even implied Bennett is a shit coach, or as you call it, terrible? once again I'm pretty sure that has been said multiple times. The line that Newcastle have been shit this year so he is shit has been peddled out meaning times. I don't want to single posters out but you would be aware of this, unless all you have been doing in the WB threads is trawling for my posts
- Besides being generally more effective, is Bennett ball any different from Griffin ball? this one I know I have answered several times, but hear we go again. Griffinball is a very very shot version of the style Bennett uses. That fact that it has been so unsuccessful makes it misleading to claim that they are the same. Bennett traditionally plays high percentage football and one out down the middle, but he uses his players effectively and makes sure he has the props etc to do that effectively.
If I go into my kitchen and slap a couple of meat patties on a bun you can't say that I make burgers like maccas.
If you want to call it the same then that's fine, I'll concede, but I don't give a **** because it's successful and I want the broncos to win, and to an extent (bar cheating) I don't care how it happens. No one comes up to you after the game and says "well you won, but it was pretty boring so we are giving it to the other team"
Are Reed or Lowrie for example, typical Bennett players? not exclusively. He employed those types of players at a time when that's what the team needed. They had the brilliance of locky, strike backline and big engine room but needed dependable work horses. What's wrong with that. Look at Newcastle, has he recruited any reed types for his centre pairing? No. It's not one size fits all.
- Should we get rid of Barba in favour of Boyd, as many people seem to think will happen (and yes, I know this is purely rumour without any other base than the fact Boyd has followed WB everywhere). no of course we shouldn't, but that is just wild speculation. Surely I'm not expected to respond to every piece of shit Matthew johns or the media spew out. At this point there is no guarantee Boyd will even play footy again, or at least in the best future. We have no idea the status of his depression. That's crazy speculation but if you want an answer, no I don't think barba should go for Boyd provided that his form keeps improving