This player or that player?


Inglis or maninga

Tough one.

I'd go Inglis - could cover any position 1-6, probably play second row in a pinch in his Souths days.

Matt Bowen or David Peachey?
Matt Bowen or David Peachey?

Another tough one, both entertainers in their own right.

I'll give it to Matty Bowen. Despite his small size, he was an absolute weapon with his elusiveness and electrifying pace. Always used to love watching the little fella pin the ears back.

Special mention to Peach for his knack of putting down the ball for a try right before the deadball line.

Ben Kennedy or Trent Waterhouse?
Menzies, such a great line runner and a prolific try scorer.

Steve Walters or Kerrod Walters?
Steve Walters ... second best hooker to play the game IMO

Anthony Milford or Ash Taylor
Milford, he actually was one of the best at one stage, Taylor has been a flop the whole way through.

Brent Tate or Justin Hodges
Steve Walters ... second best hooker to play the game IMO

Anthony Milford or Ash Taylor
Milford. At least he was elite for a couple seasons unlike Taylor.

Willie Mason or George Rose