Treatment of Fans (WAS: Where's Aeetee?)

Re: Where's Aeetee?

Oh I agree, I think it's their duty to give a little back to the fans (especially the kids) but I understand why players may want to "close a curtain on the bus" every now and then.

Out on the footy field, they're in their element. They're purely playing the sport they're good at and they're far enough away from the 50,000 fans to not have to make eye contact or interact with them. Interaction with fans/the media just doesn't come naturally to some of them.

Take Hodges for example. He can't even spit out a proper sentence when he's on camera. He's out of his element.

It may just make them uncomfortable. Who really knows?
Re: Where's Aeetee?

Aeetee said:
guppy said:
I know where you guys are coming from, but I'd probably pull the curtains across too if 50 people kept staring at me.

They should probably give a wave or two, but what do you expect them to do?

Sometimes they have 50,000 people staring at them, I don't see them walking off the field to hide.

A wave would be good, smile maybe. Dunno but a little acknowledgment goes a long way.

The way I see it, people like us help pay the wages, without us the fans they are nothing but park footballers.

Lol maybe some of them read the forums [icon_wink
Re: Where's Aeetee?

| * kelsey * | said:
It's true though. They don't care.

It's crap cause I would/could never stop supporting them but a little recognition would be nice. Ever if it's just a 'thanks guys' as they are leaving the field, or walking past to jump on the bus.

I'm not sure if any of the other players have thanked us but I know Thorn and TC used to wave over in our direction after games. At the Panthers game last year the boys actually came over to us and clapped and all that.

Also, at the Broncos V Manly game in Brisbane, Parker actually came over and said thanks for coming up.

This is the exact reason I don't like Boyd. He is probably the most arrogant person I've ever met. At the Newcastle game he didn't acknoweldge one person. He put his head down, walked past and got straight on the bus.

I've at least seen K and Hodges sign autographs and get pictures.

I understand it must be frustrating having all these fans come upto you and annoy the shit out of you sometimes, but that comes with the job. People look up to these guys, I don't think they understand that.

It doesn't take much for them to say a few words, it all just seems too much to ask for.

I agree with Kels to an extent. Some of the guys in team like Darius are arrogant and really only care about themselves and the team, but there are guys like Sammy, Staggy, TC, Wally, Sims and Ennis that are willing to hang around the fans and get to know them and thank them for coming.

At the Newcastle game it was a bit rushed so I can understand why some of the guys didnt stop, but if they were better organised and didnt leave it to the last minute to board the bus I believe everyone could have left happy, not that we didnt anyway because I had a ball! _woohoo_

Maybe some better organisation is required to allow the players time to mingle with the fans after a game, I am fairly sure most of the guys would if they had the time!
Re: Where's Aeetee?

I'm sorry, but the recognition we should be looking at is the fact that they go out there everyweek, and play their hearts out to try and give us a good game.

The last thing they would want after 90 minutes on field, after having a shower and calming down is a bunch of screaming fans annoying them.

You all think they should be doing this, that and everything else, give them a break, let them actually get on with what they want to do.

To whoever said the Broncos "only gave us these shirts", that's a disgusting attitude, they gave you them, and you don't even appreciate them. Shame on you.
Re: Where's Aeetee?

I'm a bit each way. I agree that players should acknowledge their fans after a game, especially a win. They do it at Suncorp but it's enforced, and from some of the players it looks like it's a token gesture.

There are some exceptions. Peter Wallace high fiving people in the crowd after the Cowboys game I think it was. TC seems genuinely appreciative. Brad Thorn was always genuine looking.

I think support from the club (the organisation) and support from the players are actually two totally different things. I think the players do have a responsibility to engage with the fan base, at least on a minor level, and the organisation should engage with its fan base in more tangible ways.

Providing shirts for the touch tournament was great! But as I said, they do nothing to support this place, which is a gathering of Broncos fans, or any of the Brisbane-based supporter groups. I'm not suggesting they pay for everybody's season tickets, but providing easy access to bring in banners, even supplying resources to put the good banners together, ensure that the areas are designated as supporter areas (just as the Legion is noted on Ticketek when you buy tickets for Titans games).

The Broncos organisation does a lot of good things for a lot of people, particularly people falling on hard times, children who are sick etc. The Charities fund is reflection of that. However, to the average Broncos supporter the organisation is, quite simply, cold.
Re: Where's Aeetee?

Nashy said:
To whoever said the Broncos "only gave us these shirts", that's a disgusting attitude, they gave you them, and you don't even appreciate them. Shame on you.

Definitely. The Broncos haven't done squat for any supporters group in Brisbane, ever. [icon_thumbs_do

When it comes to the whole fans acknowledging players thing, I agree that people shouldn't go overboard. But FFS, what's wrong with giving your fans a wave, a g'day, a quick autograph and thanking them after a win. It's not like a group of fans wanting to clap their team after a good win out by the bus is akin to them following the team home :roll:

Very poor form from the boys - the least they could do is give the SBBS in that circumstance a wave, hello and a smile.
Re: Where's Aeetee?

I don't agree. I don't know the circumstances in this particular case but let's say you have a long bus trip ahead of you and you see 50 Laurens outside staring at you. I would personally be uncomforatable with that. They are paid to play football and I guess part of that is giving the people who follow the players rather than the game some of their time, but in context. Fan days, interviews and acknowledgements at the game are to be expected. But when they are on their own time, no one has a right to expect them to be happy to be stared at.

I mean come on, why would anyone want to watch them sitting on a bus anyway? Isn't that a bit... Laurenish? Doesn't make sense to me and if I was sitting on a bus or waiting for a plane or getting a haircut or whatever, I wouldn't want to be stared at.

my 2c
Re: Where's Aeetee?

gUt said:
I don't agree. I don't know the circumstances in this particular case but let's say you have a long bus trip ahead of you and you see 50 Laurens outside staring at you. I would personally be uncomforatable with that. They are paid to play football and I guess part of that is giving the people who follow the players rather than the game some of their time, but in context. Fan days, interviews and acknowledgements at the game are to be expected. But when they are on their own time, no one has a right to expect them to be happy to be stared at.

I mean come on, why would anyone want to watch them sitting on a bus anyway? Isn't that a bit... Laurenish? Doesn't make sense to me and if I was sitting on a bus or waiting for a plane or getting a haircut or whatever, I wouldn't want to be stared at.

my 2c

Not all fans are like Lauren, as you call it.

I know for a fact none of the SBBS (Ok, maybe one or two) are like that. We don't go hassiling the players after the game, we don't go rushing upto them as soon as they head towards the bus or scream and shout at them.

We just stand around, usually in a group or two and talk about the game. Might ask for a photo or two or an autograph but we sure as hell don't run upto them like groupies.

There weren't actually that many 'freaks' waiting for the team after the Knights game. They were all pretty laid back now that I come to think of it.

We're not asking for much here, just acknolwedgement. As Tee said, they would be nothing if it wasn't for fans.
Re: Where's Aeetee?

They would be nothing without their fans? You're right, they wouldn't be. Just like abuilder, plumber or electrician would be nothing without their customers.

You wouldn't stand in a group waiting for Australia's best plumber to get in his ute to drive home, and he wouldn't like it either.

It's not different if you're looking at it like that.
Re: Where's Aeetee?

Nashy, footballers are, primarily, entertainers. Musicians would be committing career suicide by turning their backs on fans wanting autographs or photos.

The Broncos' athletic accomplishments are meaningless without an audience to watch them. Sure, there is personal accomplishment with winning premierships, and representing country, state or region (City, Country, lol!) but that doesn't change the fact that the reason they get paid so well is because of people like me, Kelsey, Sylve, Jeanette, Rock, etc etc who follow, admire and, most importantly, PAY to witness their journeys, and PAY to wear the club colours etc.

Without fans there is no NRL.

It's not a privilege, nor an inconvenience, it's part of their job description. And the sooner the Broncos (and other teams) realise that, the better.

It's not unique to the Broncos, it's not unique to Rugby League. Professional team sports are becoming sanitised and homogenised and taking away the personal touch. There needs to be a balance between professionalism and accessibility.
Re: Where's Aeetee?

Coxy said:
Nashy, footballers are, primarily, entertainers. Musicians would be committing career suicide by turning their backs on fans wanting autographs or photos.

The Broncos' athletic accomplishments are meaningless without an audience to watch them. Sure, there is personal accomplishment with winning premierships, and representing country, state or region (City, Country, lol!) but that doesn't change the fact that the reason they get paid so well is because of people like me, Kelsey, Sylve, Jeanette, Rock, etc etc who follow, admire and, most importantly, PAY to witness their journeys, and PAY to wear the club colours etc.

Without fans there is no NRL.

It's not a privilege, nor an inconvenience, it's part of their job description. And the sooner the Broncos (and other teams) realise that, the better.

It's not unique to the Broncos, it's not unique to Rugby League. Professional team sports are becoming sanitised and homogenised and taking away the personal touch. There needs to be a balance between professionalism and accessibility.

Well said Coxy, I dont think I can agree anymore with this [
Re: Where's Aeetee?

Can't argue with any of that Kels and Coxy, I just put myself in their position of "the week's work is done, time to relax on the bus trip back to wherever, oh man there are still people following me around staring, waving, wanting more from me. Think I will just close the curtain and put the headphones in..."

Understandable action imho, even if it's not what is expected of them.

EDIT: I wonder if this could be moved to league talk now to see if we get some more perspectives on this? It's turned into a pretty good topic icon_thumbs_u
Re: Where's Aeetee?

This particular circumstance (the curtains) on its own, looks innocent. However, when you add it o all the other snobs, that I personally have witnessed when I was in SBBS, it just shows the attitude.

Nashy, the disgusting attitude, is the one shown by the players. Yes, they would be tired after games, etc. However, they don't ever do any fan days in Sydney...ever. There is no excuse at all.

It isn't necessarily the players, but management need to look at fan days, etc. Mate when I was a kid, after the footy was the best. Gavin Allen, Gillmeister, Plowman, Alfie, Renouf, Miles, Alfie (to a certain extent) were excellent to all the fans.
Re: Where's Aeetee?

gUt said:
Can't argue with any of that Kels and Coxy, I just put myself in their position of "the week's work is done, time to relax on the bus trip back to wherever, oh man there are still people following me around staring, waving, wanting more from me. Think I will just close the curtain and put the headphones in..."

Understandable action imho, even if it's not what is expected of them.

Don't get me wrong. I understand completely too. However that's where the team manager should be saying "oi, open your curtains and at least give them a smile, wave and a thumbs up".

I don't begrudge players at times being tired of it all, and that's why I have criticism of the Broncos as an organisation. They don't encourage player-fan engagement, and in fact actively try and segregate them. (eg, have a Fan Day and use that as an excuse for players to ignore fans the rest of the year until Grand Final night, apart from token waves after home games). It's a cultural thing. The only time you read comments from players or coach about the wonderful fans is in the Season Ticket brochure!

I hate the Titans, but they have instilled a very different culture.
I saw Ben Hannant and Dave Taylor at WOW Underwood where they were meeting fans. I have to say they looked like they just wanted to get the hell out of there. It must be hard for them though. I know if i was them I wouldn't like doing it.