Treatment of Fans (WAS: Where's Aeetee?)

Tunza i feel has always been very genuine with the fans at the ground in fact he makes sure he always leaves the ground from the southern end when he is being replaced so he has a 70m plus walk back to the bench where he claps to the crowd the whole way round. Well to be honest what actually happens is we all give him a clap as he comes off then once the clapping stops tunza will clap to the crowd to get the crowd claping again! It took him 2 sets of 6 and a screaming ivan henjack to get him off down our end last friday!

Also, last night I was invited to a launch do for Locky's triple crown memorbillia he has just released and I was absoloutley blown away by how genuine and professional this man is. He spent ages with every group of pleople there thanking them for coming and buying the peice and talking footy in the process and gave every person his full attention the entire night. It was a very very enjoyable night and just confirmed to me how much of a good bloke locky really is! Also you should check out his triple crown peice as its brilliant and there are not many left!
Re: Where's Aeetee?

Hitman said:
I had no idea you admins chipped in and paid for this... thanks! icon_thumbs_u

Always thought & Allan Langer on-line paid for it with sponsorship.

Alfie wouldn't shout even if a Shark bit him. Same with the Broncos.
Re: Where's Aeetee?

Jeanette said:
There were at least 50 fans waiting at the bus at the Newcastle game, and yet K and Hodges pulled the curtains across the windows of their seats (on the bus) so we couldn't see them...

Those two are always together.

SAM THAIDAY IS A CHAMPION!!! hes always really genuine...never makes you feel like he's just there coz he's getting paid to be! If he was a normal bloke, I reckon he'd be exactly the same. icon_thumbs_u

But at the same time I dont think that this is something older players or the club are are going to be able to instil in the younger generation, because I think it comes back to the way you are raised you know.

Some people just cant have a conversation with people they dont know, and some people just cant do small talk.
Coxy said:
draggx said:
As for Hunt, Ive never seen him turn away a fan and have only ever heard god stuff from him, the last year though he would of had to of been down and out mentally with so many injurys.

Would've expected that from Brad Thorn or PJ Marsh, but not Karmichael eusa_think [icon_lol1.

ya know everytime i make a typo i think to myself later

"i should go back online and fix it, cause knowing my luck coxy will be the first one to see it"

9/10 times im right
Spud said:
The only time I have actually tried to grab signatures was at Broncos leagues after they played Penrith earlier in the day in 2004. Berrigan Bros, Tonie Carroll, Civoniceva & Wayne Bennett were fantastic. Andrew Gee was there and he approached me to give me an autograph and a handshake (he blindsided me) icon_smile .
This is completely random but me and a few mates went to the Normanby after the Broncos V Cowboys game. Andrew Gee was standing behind us and one of my guys friend said there's Andrew Gee and pointed him out and waved at him. One of the girls we were with overheard what my mate had said and SCREAMED "Omg the one of australian idol where?" [icon_lol1.

He just shook his head and laughed.
Love watching them play but that's where it ends for me. I sometimes see them out and about (especially the night life) but I wouldn't go up and strike a conversation with them. They are just people and they deserve their own space.

Having said that I was dirty when they didn't even offer a clap to the fans at Skilled Park a few weeks ago. The visiting Broncos fans made a shit load of noise and the players didn't even acknowledge them. Robina isn't exactly the easiest place to get to and the majority of fans wouldn't have arrived back in Brisbane until around 11pm. Having a large contingent of fans away from home is always nice and I thought the players' response was pretty ordinary.
oops did i do this? sorry tee for ruining ur thread lol. welcome back bro.
They are footballers, I spose they should have some interaction with fans but it'd be hard when complete strangers come up to you like they've known you for years and start a conversation. Can definitely see obth sides of the story, but at the end of the day they need privacy which is something they don't get a whole heap of.
Je$ter said:
but at the end of the day they need privacy which is something they don't get a whole heap of.

Agree, but during and post match, they're on performance and so privacy isn't an option. Fact of their profession.
This thread has changed after a day or two!

I completely understand where the SBBS are coming from. They travel a lot to go and see the boys play every few weeks or so. After going to my first away game at Skilled Park, I really appreciate how tough it is for the SBBS to go to games when the majority are going for the opposing team. Anyway, I think they deserve an appreciation from the boys after games, maybe a "thanks" or a wave, or whatever would be good. icon_thumbs_u

I reckon the Broncos players who were genuinely nice (or as me and my mates say "great customer service skills" [icon_lol1. ) were TC, Thorny, Webcke, Petero, Berrick :mrgreen: , Sammy T etc. Peter Wallace also got some big brownie points from me when he ran to the crowd after the Cowboys match and high-fived us (as Coxy have said). Oh and TC rocks because he always turns around and pumps up the crowd when we cheer for him. icon_thumbs_u

I see a lot of players outside of footy and I don't really do/say anything to them. I just treat them like a random person walking past because they're probably sick of people getting a bit excited about seeing them. As for Karmichael...I saw him last year (I think) at Fridays and he hugged us when we walked past him. [icon_shru I think he was drunk but yeah haha. And Hodges walked up to me and hugged me the other time 2 yrs ago I idea why he did that too. [icon_shru

Oh, and as for WB. I think he's awesome. When we used to go to training (back when we were like WHOA, FOOTY!), he always smiled at us. And after we won the GF in 2006, we caught the same plane as the boys back to Brisbane, and I shook his hand. WB appreciated it and said thank you and stuff. I thought that was nice. icon_thumbs_u

But yeah, I think people who just follow the boys week after week is a off-putting. I know I used to go to training a lot (not like Lauren though!) but I'm way over that phase. I don't get why other people just go there ALL the time for years now...

CRAP, this post is long. [icon_lol1.
KrispyKris said:
As for Karmichael...I saw him last year (I think) at Fridays and he hugged us when we walked past him. [icon_shru I think he was drunk but yeah haha. .

hahahaha that was when I was up there and we went to Fridays!! That was so random. Then his friend tapped me on the shoulder and said something but I kept walking haha.