Treatment of Fans (WAS: Where's Aeetee?)

Clintos said:
I saw Ben Hannant and Dave Taylor at WOW Underwood where they were meeting fans. I have to say they looked like they just wanted to get the hell out of there. It must be hard for them though. I know if i was them I wouldn't like doing it.

I always find contrived fan events like that are awkward in the extreme. I just wish players of today developed a more natural rapport with fans in more casual circumstances - including after games, at training, hell even in the street.

I think I mentioned that a couple of weeks ago I was filling up at a servo before the Cowboys game, wearing my Broncos jersey, and as I was wandering in to play, Ben Hannant came out of the shop. I smiled at him and he looked really uncomfortable, but I just said "G'day Benny, good luck tonight" and kept walking, he said "thanks mate" and then he was all good.

That first reaction from them worries me. It's like they treat every fan with suspicion until you prove you're not a "Lauren".
Re: Where's Aeetee?

Coxy said:
Nashy, footballers are, primarily, entertainers. Musicians would be committing career suicide by turning their backs on fans wanting autographs or photos.

The Broncos' athletic accomplishments are meaningless without an audience to watch them. Sure, there is personal accomplishment with winning premierships, and representing country, state or region (City, Country, lol!) but that doesn't change the fact that the reason they get paid so well is because of people like me, Kelsey, Sylve, Jeanette, Rock, etc etc who follow, admire and, most importantly, PAY to witness their journeys, and PAY to wear the club colours etc.

Without fans there is no NRL.

It's not a privilege, nor an inconvenience, it's part of their job description. And the sooner the Broncos (and other teams) realise that, the better.

It's not unique to the Broncos, it's not unique to Rugby League. Professional team sports are becoming sanitised and homogenised and taking away the personal touch. There needs to be a balance between professionalism and accessibility.

Yeah, I can agree with that.

And I mean, I love seeing the Broncos ever now and then, but what I'm getting at is the fact that if they ignored me, I wouldn't personally be annoyed, and I certainly don't think it should be expected.

Think of the amount of times these players do go out of their way for fans. Newcastle was a bad day, from their onfield performance, to the day in general.

They didn't look like they wanted to be playing football, I highly doubt they would have the time for fans either.
Coxy said:
Clintos said:
I always find contrived fan events like that are awkward in the extreme. I just wish players of today developed a more natural rapport with fans in more casual circumstances - including after games, at training, hell even in the street.

I think I mentioned that a couple of weeks ago I was filling up at a servo before the Cowboys game, wearing my Broncos jersey, and as I was wandering in to play, Ben Hannant came out of the shop. I smiled at him and he looked really uncomfortable, but I just said "G'day Benny, good luck tonight" and kept walking, he said "thanks mate" and then he was all good.

That first reaction from them worries me. It's like they treat every fan with suspicion until you prove you're not a "Lauren".

Chris, I have had similar experiences with TC, Thaiday and Civinoceva. Seen them, said small talk and kept going, all were happy to say hello and small talk. However, I have also seen other players (part of the younger generation, who play in the baccks), played Poker with them for fucksake, and they are just arrogant anuses. I mean, you don't really have anywhere to go on a poker table.
I agree Hammo, I'm saying the Broncos clearly don't encourage or educate their younger players on how to relate to fans. And clearly the senior players don't help them out either.

I know it's an individual personality thing, I mean Sammy Thaiday is one of the most likeable and approachable guys you will ever meet, but in cases where players are either shy or arrogant (sometimes hard to distinguish between the two to be honest) some encouragement and education is required.

I also agree with your point that people shouldn't idolise players, and agree they shouldn't look at footballers or other celebrities as role models, but as we've argued a thousand times before, they do. And so players have to be educated about how to handle that pressure responsibly.
What I don't get is fans who feel the need to stay back and see the players after EVERY game. Every week they're waiting by the bus to meet up with them. They may not necessarily be a 'Lauren' type fan but I don't see the point [icon_shru
Scotty said:
What I don't get is fans who feel the need to stay back and see the players after EVERY game. Every week they're waiting by the bus to meet up with them. They may not necessarily be a 'Lauren' type fan but I don't see the point [icon_shru


I've gone to the odd-player presentation after matches and sometimes even one training session around the time of the finals (if I can get outta work) but that's really about it. Very meh on the whole idea really - I'll stand there and be as loud as possible at Suncorp, but I have NO interest in them whatsoever when they aren't playing in that jersey on the field. Couldn't care less about their names or anything... just how they play footy when they're in my team's colours!
I used to hang around after games for a while but it gets to the point when there's only two players on the team older than you that you have to stop and think about it...

I haven't hung around after a game for a few years now.
The Rock said:
Meat77 said:
I used to hang around after games for a while but it gets to the point when there's only two players on the team older than you that you have to stop and think about it...

I haven't hung around after a game for a few years now.

Haha true. I used to do it a lot during 2002-2004 but noways I the only reason I hang around is because I am waiting for my lift to stop creaming over Corey Parker and take me the fack home! [icon_lol1.

Why whoever could you mean? eusa_think [icon_lol1.
| * kelsey * | said:
Meat77 said:
[quote="| * kelsey * |":thon6s3i]I hate you guys.

No more lifts for anyone.


As if you could stay mad at us! :P

Watch me.[/quote:thon6s3i]

Well I could walk home from ANZ so it won't affect me this Saturday! Shauny on the other hand...
There was a time when the Broncos never even went around the grounds after the game.Reason given was because Alfie as captain thought it was being a smarta***when they won and he did feel uncomfortable with it.

I hate people who leave the game before it is over when the guys are doing their lap around.I reckon they entertained us for 80min it is the right thing to do to clap them just as you would when you go to a concert or whatever.

In Sydney I do think they could give a little time to the fans.Has anyone raised this with the club?

I have met the players at the Casino etc and they have always just said hello when you speak to them.No need to hang around as some do when they see them out.Disgusting the way some people carry on and not young people either but older generation.

Worst case I saw was an Origin meet the fans and two of the players(x Broncs) said loudly"These chiks are all DOGS let's get out of here".No!They were not all dogs in case you were thinking maybe they were.
Then I have been to Langlands when it is Origin training and sat up in the stands with the hangers on coaching staff etc. and had lots of fun and jokes and the guys themselves gave heaps of time and photos before they left to got on the bus.

NSW Origin players on the other hand in 06 year had a closed session [icon_shru Very disappointing for many.Many people got abused by the team managers for wanting to watch training.
I can honestly say that no Broncos player has ever shunned me personally, though I couldn't particulary care less if I have an autograph or conversation with them or not.

The only time I have actually tried to grab signatures was at Broncos leagues after they played Penrith earlier in the day in 2004. Berrigan Bros, Tonie Carroll, Civoniceva & Wayne Bennett were fantastic. Andrew Gee was there and he approached me to give me an autograph and a handshake (he blindsided me) icon_smile .

I don't really know how they act towards their supporters but, they have been nothing but great with me.

Actually the only team I have seen a Broncos player annoyed was Alfie but there was a very good reason why.
Having been the recipient of a couple of signed grand final items from TC over the years, I can definitely say he is great with fans. And always the first to give us Sydney fans a clap and always tries to get the whole team over to thank us.
interestingTopic for sure..

I see it thou as some days the players may just mentally not be up for it
ive seen people in this topic call Hunt and Boyd Arrogant...

few years back 2006 actually, brisbane played cowboys in townsville. Webkce was first player out of the hotel but last player to leave however he looked pretty pissed the whole time and generally seemed arrogant yet other days ive seen him all smiles.

As for Hunt, Ive never seen him turn away a fan and have only ever heard god stuff from him, the last year though he would of had to of been down and out mentally with so many injurys.

Darius.. ive Drunk with him and everything and his the most down to earth bloke ive ever met. in townsville 2006 when Hodges walked away from fans boyd walked back into the foyer and greeted the fans hodges had walked out on.

each to ther own and if i saw boyd tomorrow and he didnt wave or nothing id put it down to 1bad day. the best of us have them
draggx said:
As for Hunt, Ive never seen him turn away a fan and have only ever heard god stuff from him, the last year though he would of had to of been down and out mentally with so many injurys.

Would've expected that from Brad Thorn or PJ Marsh, but not Karmichael eusa_think [icon_lol1.