I know, it's like Stewie and evil Stewie haha.
Dannymh a few questions..
1. Where do your political alliances swing?
2. Thoughts on the carbon tax?
3. Where you once over 120kgs and now a fitness freak who is under 85kgs?
4. Are you a Trekkie or a Star Wars fan?
5. What do you do for a crust?
You don't have to answer anything you don't want to just curious :)
1. Where do your political alliances swing?
Swing voter, soft spot for labour until the last few years, now with my salary I would be a fool to like labour anymore.
2. Thoughts on the carbon tax?
Meh, I'll get back to you in a year or two
3. Where you once over 120kgs and now a fitness freak who is under 85kgs?
30 years old and have never weighed more than 80kgs, been a fitness freak to a degree my whole life.
4. Are you a Trekkie or a Star Wars fan?
5. What do you do for a crust?
I work for an education software company, senior support basically for universities