Whilst it’s tempting to laugh at Redcliffe, the reality is it’s not boding well for the NRL and the game overall that the club is struggling on the recruitment front.
They are a filthy rich, hugely storied club in absolute Rugby League heartland. They have one of the very best talent drawing Coaches in the game currently, and they are STILL struggling to kick any major recruitment goals.
If Redcliffe, even with all that in their favour, is struggling as an expansion club, then honestly what hope in hell does the likes of Perth or another New Zealand side have of ever getting off the ground.
I know it’s going to be a bitter pill to swallow for some, but this is a textbook example of why we simply have to move to a draft model within the next few years.
17 teams needs to become 18 to really make expansion worthwhile for the tv networks with an extra game, but there is absolutely no way we can even contemplate this unless we implement a proper draft system first.
The NRL is probably going to get lucky by the skin of its teeth that Redcliffe have enough cash and location advantages up their sleeve that they’ll be able to survive and get up and rube viable, but there is literally no other expansion option on the table that has even the faintest chance of success without it.