Warrior v Chooks *spoilers from TV game @ 7.30 pm*

13 minutes to unleash the bomb? How did anasta last that long? I've seen him put them up when he's picking up the morning paper.
I'm gonna kick gallop and gyngall in a very unconfortable place.

No, not the back seat of a vw.
I've been really impressed with Fitzgibbon this year. He has been running hard and tackling all night. Shame he isn't a QLDer.
Seriously, how much longer can the Warriors hold on?

When are the Roosters going to crack the line?
Pearce kicks a 40/20. Surely the Roosters should score some points here with their attacking position.
Nice work there, you don't see the halfback scoring tries like that too often.
They finally crack the line. Pearce scores and Fitzy kicks the two. 6-6
Corey is rebooting the server. Now reboot channel nein.
At least Corey is doing something constructive for once.

...Sort of...
PENALTY TRY???????????????

I don't understand that at all.

FTR, wasn't a penalty try an extra shot at goal for 8 points?
Thats BS, yeah he grabbed his arm but would he have definitely scored............