Warrior v Chooks *spoilers from TV game @ 7.30 pm*

Kaz said:
Remember this year Kemp scored a try & I forget who it was hit Kemp in the head, that should have been an 8 point try but nothing was done.

Anthony Watts
That really shut the crowd.

Shut up, I meant.
Big V gets the try! Rooters must wish games ended at half time.

Warriors must be dead certs to walk away with the win. Guess those facial hair failures will continue for another week.

OOFFH! Love the big hits!
He was over the line. Premature celebration there, I think there are pills to fix that.
that wouldve been a try of the season contender if ropati was able to hang onto it
Definition of Irony;

Your pick for FTS intercepts the ball and robs you of your Warriors 1-12.
The Rock said:
Go Warriors for next week against Manly!!!!

Yep - another non-Sydney premiership (after whoever wins tomorrow beats the sharks) icon_thumbs_u