MELTDOWN Wayne Bennett - Moves to Souths

Should Wayne Bennett's Contract be Extended?

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International Rep
May 21, 2013
Apologies, that was probably the wrong thread. This will be interesting though, if true (It is a Badel yarn, after all).

“Seibs didn’t recruit the side, the club did, and when ‘Madge’ (Michael Maguire) won the comp (in 2014), he didn’t recruit the side, we did.

That's probably a positive, because as @Big Pete was saying, it was a bit concerning that Seibold didn't try & recruit a replacement for Crichton. Turns out he wasn't allowed to.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
A first year coach was never going to be in charge of recruiting anyone


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
It would be funny if Seibold saw Wayne and McGuire both sign contracts, and saw the broncos humiliate Kev again (glad he wasn’t picked though), and now he can sit back and go ‘let’s discuss my pay again shall we?’

the boards response to that would be:

"well let's see ... you have the choice between coaching us or waiting to see if a unprofessional numpty club (like the Eels) sack their coach next year. there are no other head coaching positions available anymore ... let's discuss that pay shall we"

Broncos will come under pressure to match the four-year extension tabled by the Rabbitohs.

I doubt they will come under pressure to offer him a 4 year deal at all ... not since there are no alternatives for him but to accept our offer
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
So Souths brought in Matt King, Jeff Lima, Kirisome Auva'a, Dane Nielsen and Michael Maguire had nothing to do with it? Despite Maguire having something to do with them and a few of them being the near the end of their career?

I'm not buying it.

If they're referring to core purchases that's different. Yes, management was responsible for signing Inglis and the Burgess family. However, it wasn't like the replacement for Crichton had to be some superstar that required the board's approval, just somebody to provide them with options outside of compromising their forward pack.

Technically coaches aren't responsible for recruiting players, it's management and recruitment officers. However, Bennett played a key role in signing a lot of the talent to the roster and the club can't afford to be as reactionary as they were under Henjak or Hook.
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State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
Well, if nothing else, you have to say that the Broncos old boys are very loyal to each other.


NRL Captain
Sep 27, 2016
Well, if nothing else, you have to say that the Broncos old boys are very loyal to each other.
Why wouldn't they be? They are responsible for the Bronco's golden era. They were feared around the comp and the entirety of the city of Brisbane were in their corner. Their amazing success and their popularity of that period will never be matched again. Their aura immediately vanishes without WB around the place as does their effectiveness. I think the "old boys" wanted to keep that "glory day" influence around the club as it is a reminder of when times were great. Plus the fact that Kevie is their mate.


NRL Captain
Mar 9, 2018
If Seibold fails, White and the board need to go.
Harsh, but its the reality of the whole situation.
They failed to land Bellamy and Green (whether true or not) but the fact is if we do not win a premiership under AS and soon, then I believe that the old boys need to rally together and take care of the club.
Chuck in the possibility a few our our established players may leave because WB is gone, then this club will have a fair bit of egg on their face.
Then I dare say that we would see Walters as coach.

I am all for Seibs, and I genuinely think he is our best option moving forward, but we have had no success in 12yrs, and this club is suppose to be one of the highest profile sports clubs in Australia.
As a club, it demands success, as a city it demands success and as a brand it demands success - lets hope we see it.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
Well, if nothing else, you have to say that the Broncos old boys are very loyal to each other.
But not to the club. They all went and worked elsewhere afterwards. Tallis is a Titan now (And there is no returning from that), Walters went to coach the enemy at the Storm, Lazurus went and played for the Storm, Chris Johns helped set up the Storm. **** them. Their hearts are elsewhere


State of Origin Rep
Dec 4, 2013
If Seibold fails, White and the board need to go.
Harsh, but its the reality of the whole situation.
They failed to land Bellamy and Green (whether true or not) but the fact is if we do not win a premiership under AS and soon, then I believe that the old boys need to rally together and take care of the club.
Chuck in the possibility a few our our established players may leave because WB is gone, then this club will have a fair bit of egg on their face.
Then I dare say that we would see Walters as coach.

I am all for Seibs, and I genuinely think he is our best option moving forward, but we have had no success in 12yrs, and this club is suppose to be one of the highest profile sports clubs in Australia.
As a club, it demands success, as a city it demands success and as a brand it demands success - lets hope we see it.

Hindsight is always 20/20. They’ve done the right thing long term on the evidence before them. There’s an argument that Seibold was the best choice out of the three (the jury’s still out on Bellamy without Smith, and I just don’t think Green is a good coach).

Wayne has 2-3 years left and could retire immediately if he wins a comp.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Hindsight is always 20/20. They’ve done the right thing long term on the evidence before them. There’s an argument that Seibold was the best choice out of the three (the jury’s still out on Bellamy without Smith, and I just don’t think Green is a good coach).

Wayne has 2-3 years left and could retire immediately if he wins a comp.

Yeah this.

TBH if they actually chased Green that is a big issue for me, he is a rubbish coach. He is a Ben Hunt away from achieving nothing and being out on his arse.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Yeah this.

TBH if they actually chased Green that is a big issue for me, he is a rubbish coach. He is a Ben Hunt away from achieving nothing and being out on his arse.

But Green won a premiership in 2015 outside of regulation time and then backed it up with solid performances since.

Lol, yeah, straight face was not kept for this post.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Just got this from the club.

The NRMA Insurance Brisbane Broncos can confirm Anthony Seibold as the club’s coach for 2020 and beyond.

Seibold was endorsed by the Broncos’ Board after a thorough selection process led by Chairman Karl Morris, Director Darren Lockyer and CEO Paul White.

He will begin a four-year contract in 2020, with current coach Wayne Bennett committed to seeing out his final year as Broncos coach in 2019 – as announced by the club last month - and the club is looking forward to celebrating Wayne’s last season at the Broncos.

Morris said Seibold, the 2018 Dally M Coach Of The Year, was the most outstanding candidate among a field of highly credentialed coaches interviewed at length by the selection committee.

The Chairman thanked the other high-quality candidates for their strong presentations.

“We have been through a robust process and interviewed a number of high-calibre coaches,” said Morris.

“Anthony was a stand-out. His football knowledge is exceptional, as is his thinking and process around people management.

“He also has a strong commitment that will add to the commercial and community aspects of our club, which is extremely important to the Brisbane Broncos.

Broncos CEO Paul White said: “We have done a thorough due diligence and as a result we have got the best person for the job in Anthony.

“Our job is to look after the long-term future of this club and that is what we have done through Anthony’s appointment.

“Anthony is one of the best young coaches in the game and having him for 2020 is a huge win for our members, players, staff, sponsors and fans.

“Planning is well and truly underway for next season and we are expecting big things from the team – it’s a season we can all look forward to.”
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NRL Captain
Oct 7, 2017
Benny Rabbit - the Redfern bunny. Good luck Souths - he is an old dog and this is a new trick.


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