MELTDOWN Wayne Bennett - Moves to Souths

Should Wayne Bennett's Contract be Extended?

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Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
Haha you're right to a certain extent. Am using my wife's account and to be honest, she knows jackshit about football but is an expert at shit-stirring. Cant be bothered making a new account so will use hers while she's out of action/overseas.

But anyway, back to my point. Look, I personally would love nothing more than for Wayne to lead us to a premiership next year as a big 'up yours' to the Board/ Paul White. But how does it look for them with a coach being essentially sacked (by not being granted a minimal 12 month extension which surely he deserves) after just winning a premiership. Would the board not look incompetent? Especially by the media and the 'hardcore' Bennett fans?

It is a similar situation to the Panthers and Gould giving Hook the ol heave ho as he didn't want to run the risk of the Panthers possibly winning a premiership this year under Griffin as it would then be difficult to get rid of him. A bit different with Wayne as his contract ends at the end of 2019 as it now stands.

My point is though, why the **** would you not grant an extension to a coach who has a more than reasonable chance of guiding your team to a premiership next year. Especially when he only wants 1 extra year. White and the board would look like complete and utter incompetent fools and imagine the backlash from fans if Wayne has to walk out the door with his 'tail between his legs' after being rejected yet winning a premiership for them.

Was reading these posts and thinking....."who the **** is this?" Hahaha. You should hang around


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
Wouldn't Souths be throwing massive money at seibold after this year? Are we actually a realistic chance of getting him?
They would...... but we are the broncos. I dont get this frugal spending by the board in regards to a coach. Its critical to our success obviously. I think bellamy is over rated but I also think he was the right option for what we need and we should have just blown the budget to get him. Financialy no club can compete with us but this advantage is partially dependant upon continued success on the field, which getting the right coah is critical too.

I have long hated the strictness of the salary cap (why should success be punished simply to create competition) but getting whatever staff we want is a way we can get an advantage and flex our wealth/muscle so why not. Stuff the tax we have to pay when we go over the off field “cap”.

They take away every advantage we get from being financially successful yet the tv money our club generates keeps their clubs afloat. **** them! Take advantage where we cam


NRL Player
Jun 4, 2013
Was reading these posts and thinking....."who the **** is this?" Hahaha. You should hang around

Thanks mate. Is nice to be able to have a good yarn with a bunch of like-minded fans about important issues in the world i.e. the footy

Certainly lots to talk about over the off-season I reckon with all that might happen with the team over coming weeks/months.
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I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
They would...... but we are the broncos. I dont get this frugal spending by the board in regards to a coach.

I have a theory. It's a bit cynical, but it would make sense.

I've thrown this accusation at the NRL before in regards to our least penalties received, but maybe it bears repeating for the board. As long as the Broncos are perpetually a successful business, the board and the NRL couldn't give a shit if we ever win a Premiership again. Fans will never stop turning up at Suncorp or buying memberships no matter how we do on field. The same can't be said for the likes of Melbourne or the Rorters.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Wow, you know the shit has hit when the longest-running troll breaks character to actually discuss the footy.


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
I have a theory. It's a bit cynical, but it would make sense.

I've thrown this accusation at the NRL before in regards to our least penalties received, but maybe it bears repeating for the board. As long as the Broncos are perpetually a successful business, the board and the NRL couldn't give a shit if we ever win a Premiership again. Fans will never stop turning up at Suncorp or buying memberships no matter how we do on field. The same can't be said for the likes of Melbourne or the Rorters.
I like your cynacism. I think the same. I dont think there is some conspiriacy against us but i do think they turn a massive blind eye to advantages pther teams get, whereas if it was us getting away with the same stuff itd create rule changes (eg what if we were the wrestling kings or manipulated the hia) and new caps (eg the roosters sombrero)


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
FiH is still the best troll lol, just breaking barriers all the time.


QCup Player
Jun 4, 2016
The club/ Board CAN afford to pay Wayne out for next season.

The club/Board CANNOT afford to keep Wayne here next season and risk him winning the premiership (which we are at least a reasonable chance of doing). They would look like fools for not giving Wayne his requested 12 month extension and would have essentially sacked him after winning a grand final in 2019.

Too big a risk for White. Mark my words, Wayne will not be coaching us in 2019.

This is a sad way for him to be treated i think.

His big salary would have to be included in the football dept salary cap so it’s unlikely they’d want to absorb that with no clear replacement. I think white would put a premiership above reputational risk but not so sure on the chairman. I can’t get a read on that guy yet.


QCup Player
Jun 4, 2016
Guys, any thoughts on The S&C side of things? Am aware that Wayne and Hickmans seem to come as a package but I thought we looked fatigued regularly before the opposition and some players looked outright unfit.

maybe a role someone should keep for 5 years max? I’d be happy to start fresh in 20 with someone new in that role too although with no real justification. Thoughts?
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Guys, any thoughts on The S&C side of things? Am aware that Wayne and Hickmans seem to come as a package but I thought we looked fatigued regularly before the opposition and some players looked outright unfit.

maybe a role someone should keep for 5 years max? I’d be happy to start fresh in 20 with someone new in that role too although with no real justification. Thoughts?

Yeah S&C was pretty shit this year, never more obvious than with the injury scourge we suffered. Gillett gone for the season very early, Glenn and Kahu constantly out, TPJ struggled with injury for most of the season, Bird unable to sort his pre-season issues out all year, Haas gone after 20 or so minutes of footy, Sua gone for the year well before finals....It was shocking.
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State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
Gould built and left behind a team for Stuart not Fittler.

Actually it was Graham Murray. Sorry to jump in and correct your correction. Gould resigned in 1999. Murray took the Roosters to the grandfinal in his first year and lost to the Broncos. After finishing 6th the next year he was punted by Gould and replaced by Stuart, who in due course was punted by Gould - do you see a recurring pattern here?


QCup Player
May 21, 2016
Yeah S&C was pretty shit this year, never more obvious than with the injury scourge we suffered. Gillett gone for the season very early, Glenn and Kahu constantly out, TPJ struggled with injury for most of the season, Bird unable to sort his pre-season issues out all year, Haas gone after 20 or so minutes of footy, Sua gone for the year well before finals....It was shocking.

In fairness a lot of those injuries had little direct relationship to s&c. Can’t build condition to prevent a crusher causing fractured vertebrae, broken jaw or f***ed sternum.

Some had more indirect - more likely to get into a bad position if tired or fatigue leading to soft tissue injury.

Have to wonder about the sports science side of letting players play injured or fatigued. Recovery times didn’t seem great this year but can’t really know the inside story. Interesting to know how much the Broncs get into the sports science or is Bennett more old school? Do we even know how much sports science is known to work in League?


NRL Captain
Mar 25, 2013
Peptides were popular with a certain club some time ago... :angel2:


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Yeah S&C was pretty shit this year, never more obvious than with the injury scourge we suffered. Gillett gone for the season very early, Glenn and Kahu constantly out, TPJ struggled with injury for most of the season, Bird unable to sort his pre-season issues out all year, Haas gone after 20 or so minutes of footy, Sua gone for the year well before finals....It was shocking.

How exactly would strength and conditioning stop broken necks? Or any of those injuries?
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NRL Player
Jun 5, 2015
In fairness a lot of those injuries had little direct relationship to s&c. Can’t build condition to prevent a crusher causing fractured vertebrae, broken jaw or f***ed sternum.

Some had more indirect - more likely to get into a bad position if tired or fatigue leading to soft tissue injury.

Have to wonder about the sports science side of letting players play injured or fatigued. Recovery times didn’t seem great this year but can’t really know the inside story. Interesting to know how much the Broncs get into the sports science or is Bennett more old school? Do we even know how much sports science is known to work in League?

Playing injured is part of rugby league. If no one played injured - we probably would not be able to field a team.


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
Yeah S&C was pretty shit this year, never more obvious than with the injury scourge we suffered. Gillett gone for the season very early, Glenn and Kahu constantly out, TPJ struggled with injury for most of the season, Bird unable to sort his pre-season issues out all year, Haas gone after 20 or so minutes of footy, Sua gone for the year well before finals....It was shocking.
I dont think it was bad this year at all. We were never any more gassed then the opposition in the 80th minute and most of our injuries were just bad luck or long standing issues. The only one i can think of that you could argue was conditioning was pangai, his week to week prognosis was probably due to him having to play longer minutes (thats due to the other injuries we had thoigh).

The games we lost were just attitude, we had 5-20 minute periods in the game where we would just fall off tackles and drop the ball


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