I don't expect that he would. I also understand that other people don't care about his persona and others still like it. I don't. That's all. I don't know why people are so upset about my opinion.
True. I just think with a decent playmaker this would be a really good team. But given how much of the salary cap Bird, Boyd and Milford are taking up, I don't think we will be able to afford a good playmaker for the next 4 years. After which time Boyd will of course be gone and as I addressed on another thread, I think Milford will be well passed his best as a ball runner in 4 years.
I hope I'm proved wrong but I fear these decisions which I see as ridiculous, at best won't bring home a premiership in the next 5 to 6 years and at worst, will see the team lucky to reach the finals over the next few years.
Well I presume in Canberra, Stuart has most written about him, in Newcastle, Brown, in Melbourne, Bellamy, in NZ, Kearny and etc. No idea about the Sydney media but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be Bennett.
Does he decide who are fools? I think his bitter/angry old man persona and his emotional, hyperbolic outbursts makes him look like a fool. But again, that is just the way I see it. I don't expect everyone will agree and it would be a pretty boring forum if they did. I hope you don't flip out on me like several other ******* on this thread.