What do you call not a lot of money for Sammy? He is on around the 350k mark, thats a decent wedge for somebody at his stage of his career. And also, please dont say we let Hunt go, we didnt, he chose to leave for a huge contract. We didnt kick him out or not make him an offer, he just got a better one. Same with most players who have left. Except for Moga, we wanted to keep the majority of players who have left and are doing well elsewhere, we just couldnt afford to keep them all.
Also, if you cant see Bennett is simply playing the media, you are either naive, a fool, or you just dont know how Wayne Bennett operates. He has been doing that sort of thing since 1988. Its not like he has suddenly started doing it. There is also no evidence we have been chasing Green or Bellamy. All we have to go on are some reports from the press, the same press who have been doing everything they can to both undermine Broncos as a club and Bennett as a coach.
Has Bennett made some errors? Absolutley, every coach does. Considering he has had us challenging pretty strongly for his first 2 years since he came back i dont think his coaching is stuggling at all. We are doing fine considering we are in a little bit of a transition phase.