But I think that you have actually highlighted what SHOULD happen. Murdoch has stated that he would not get involved with any decisions you say? I could have sworn news limited has a ~60% ownership of the Brisbane Broncos. A company that is worth millions and if current scenarios continue it will not only lose those millions and haemmhorage millions instead. The bad news cycle of the Broncos will sell them papers and in turn increase revenue as long as Broncos have the fans. They won't if this continues, further exacerbating the financial losses news limited, and in turn the Murdoch's, will suffer if the club continues to perform poorly.
That family, especially Rupert, understand and speak one language, MONEY. To say they won't get involved when a club is losing them millions of dollars a year (which, as I have highlighted, will eventually happen) because of a promise they made 25 years ago is, well, it's be incredibly stupid business and that's not what the Murdoch's do...
Eventually they will have to step in if this continues. If it continues they won't even be able to sell their share of the club for a decent amount if they wanted to bail off of a sinking ship.