Where to From Here? Let's Plan for 2021



NRL Captain
Jun 2, 2017
Joey in the media spruking Kevvie.

Its reported cowboys havnt got back to Kevvie, i wonder if the Broncos have been in talk with him - he has been very very quiet with his opinion of the Broncos and whats going on.
I seriously doubt it. I can't see any other dominoes even being put in place to start falling until they sort out and appoint the new CEO.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I wouldn’t be surprised if the club have told Kevvie you are replacing Seibold but they haven’t told Seibold he’s being replaced.


NRL Captain
Jun 2, 2017
I wouldn’t be surprised if the club have told Kevvie you are replacing Seibold but they haven’t told Seibold he’s being replaced.
Again, I really, really doubt it.

Paul White has long since checked out. I assume he's only held off on actually vacating the office so he can still use our computers and internet to get his resume up on Seek.com and post boomer shit on Facebook, but outside of that, I don't see any real decisions being made because there isn't anyone interested enough to be making them.

Until a new CEO is appointed and he gets on board and gets to have a good look around the place, I don't see any decisions being made on Seibold or Walters or any other Coach for that matter.
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International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I wouldn’t be surprised if the club have told Kevvie you are replacing Seibold but they haven’t told Seibold he’s being replaced.

Further to that it wouldn't surprise me if they just forgot to tell Seibs completely and they both rocked up and the 3 stooges just blamed each other and thought the other was going to tell him.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Robinson has a 59% winning record at Catalans while Walters had a 37% winning record
wasn't this largely due to walters terrible first season, his second he got them to the prelim of SL?
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
wasn't this largely due to walters terrible first season, his second he got them to the prelim of SL?

Other way around, and even then they had a massive turn around in that first season once they brought Greg Bird in.


NRL Player
Jan 15, 2017
It's difficult to plan for 2021 without knowing what impact Seibold is having on individuals and how much of a difference a genuine coach the players believe in would have on the squad. I think Green or Walters head coach with quality experienced assistants such as Kearney or Neil Henry or similar and a mix of tough old guys like parker and hodges would be a step in the right direction.

Player wise, while i originally was on board with sacking Pangai, i think we need to keep him for some strike. Likewise i think give bird his final year to prove his worth and also as a strike weapon.

I think alot of pressure needs to be taken off these young forwards. In no other system would the likes of Hass, Flegler and Carrigan be expected to burden such responsibility and play the minutes required of them thus far. All of them would have spent at least 2 years on the bench with the odd starting spot during origin times with the exception of maybe Hass.

As good as these guys have been I'd like flegler and Carigian coming off the bench, a fully fit lodge and Hass are a great starting combination. I think john Asiata from the cows would be a good starting ball playing lock with experience and the young forwards coming off the bench.

I'd oates is a ready made super sub given he can cover your outside backs positions if required otherwise bring him in the second row late in the game running good lines at tired edge forwards and small halfs. You then have Paix on the bench to cover hooker/halves.

If a solid defence jack reed like centre came on the market that may also be worth a look to cover the scenario of Herbie and Coates having second year syndrome shockers.

That would be the basic direction I'd take, relieve the pressure of the young forwards as number one priorty.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
We won’t be able to make any changes until we sort the office shit out. I want Christian Welch and Opacic here. I’m not sold on Hynes and Staggs needs to be moved into 6 or fullback. We should 1000% be trying to swap Arrow for TPJ as well. Offer Haas an upgraded contract. These players have a rapport with Walters. I just want to see something fucking happening. How is the board continuing to allow this shit to happen without any changes whatsoever.


NRL Captain
Jun 2, 2017
We won’t be able to make any changes until we sort the office shit out. I want Christian Welch and Opacic here. I’m not sold on Hynes and Staggs needs to be moved into 6 or fullback. We should 1000% be trying to swap Arrow for TPJ as well. Offer Haas an upgraded contract. These players have a rapport with Walters. I just want to see something fucking happening. How is the board continuing to allow this shit to happen without any changes whatsoever.
The board and CEO right now:

Asleep at the wheel
The Strapper

The Strapper

NRL Player
Apr 21, 2015
They’ve been asleep since they fucked up the Bennett sacking and brought Seibold in. Surely someone steps up to stop this getting worse and worse.

Only outfit with the clout to do that is 12,000 miles away in the US and they have already ruled out doing anything.
If white’s term wasn’t up I doubt even he would be leaving.
Only chance is the new ceo might shake things up a bit but I don’t know if he will have the clout to sack siebold. Board probably has to sign off on it so who knows what will happen.
If we get the spoon he could be gone but anything else he will try and sell himself to stay and that is the one thing he is good at.


NRL Captain
Oct 7, 2017
They’ve been asleep since they fucked up the Bennett sacking and brought Seibold in. Surely someone steps up to stop this getting worse and worse.
We don’t have a someone and therein lies the root cause of all our problems. I think too much faith has been shown in Lockyer who has clearly come up wanting.
We need a John Ribot or Gus Gould type that understands the ins and outs to right the ship and screw the rudder back on.
Until then we'll continue to be a basket case no matter who coaches us, no matter who plays for us.

It will happen, but not until we find that someone to start the process.
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Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
Interesting view. Different style to CS9 then, I never could work out how CS9 was almost never injured.

Luke Keary is another player with more courage than his body can handle, can't think of any Bronco that fits that mould, our players just have the injury prone part worked out.

knowing now what i do about Payne Haas's brother.....'thinking of what it takes to step up each week with that burden, getting flogged evey week....takes courage.....that boys a class act

We DO have heros in our ranks....takes a tragedy to find them apparently..
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Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
It's difficult to plan for 2021 without knowing what impact Seibold is having on individuals and how much of a difference a genuine coach the players believe in would have on the squad. I think Green or Walters head coach with quality experienced assistants such as Kearney or Neil Henry or similar and a mix of tough old guys like parker and hodges would be a step in the right direction.

Player wise, while i originally was on board with sacking Pangai, i think we need to keep him for some strike. Likewise i think give bird his final year to prove his worth and also as a strike weapon.

Gotta stop you there; you dont remove a cancerous tumor but deliberatly leave a little behind.....to kill a cancer the whole thing has to die or be removed..

We have a cancerous core at this club; it HAS to die or be removed before we can hope to move forward...

TPJ can become someone elses problem thanks...
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
We won’t be able to make any changes until we sort the office shit out. I want Christian Welch and Opacic here. I’m not sold on Hynes and Staggs needs to be moved into 6 or fullback. We should 1000% be trying to swap Arrow for TPJ as well. Offer Haas an upgraded contract. These players have a rapport with Walters. I just want to see something fucking happening. How is the board continuing to allow this shit to happen without any changes whatsoever.

If we had the chance/choice, id grab Grant all day long and also on Sundays; thats your hooker position filled for the next 10 years

Then you can spend serious coin on the next upgrade to your spine...

Brandan SMith would be a great 3-4 year option but he is goign to break at some point; theres little finesse about his game, its all rough and tumble...and that comes with a pyshical limit..


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
Brandan SMith would be a great 3-4 year option but he is goign to break at some point; theres little finesse about his game, its all rough and tumble...and that comes with a pyshical limit..

Brandon has unrivaled ticker though - that boy never says die and is tough to stop. His competative streak reminds me of JT - not doing the same job obviously - but just the passion and raw commitment. Both are absolute quality signings if another club can snag them.
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
Brandon has unrivaled ticker though - that boy never says die and is tough to stop. His competative streak reminds me of JT - not doing the same job obviously - but just the passion and raw commitment. Both are absolute quality signings if another club can snag them.

oh yep...absolutely.....im not saying in that post he isnt...

If i had the choice....id go with Grant...

But i reckon Smith would be a bonifide hit with us.....its just for how long..?

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