Would you take David Fifita back?

Would you take David Fifita back?

  • Yes at any cost

    Votes: 3 2.0%
  • Yes if he cost 700k or less

    Votes: 78 52.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 19 12.7%
  • No

    Votes: 43 28.7%
  • Other - state your reasons

    Votes: 7 4.7%

  • Total voters


NRL Captain
Jun 2, 2017
I think Dave would rather be a Bronco, but you can't blame a bloke for taking the money. I would.
Maybe. Hard to put a price on a Premiership though - and whilst that’s obviously not a guarantee at Brisbane, it’s probably closer than the Titans are likely to get in the next couple of years.


BRL Player
Oct 3, 2017
Yeah I agree, I would be looking to lock down Weaver longish term if I were you guys, he looks an absolute gun in the making.
Weaver is signed by the Titans until the end of 2025


QCup Player
Jul 20, 2017
All this fuss over a guy who is not even a state of origin player anymore... People forget that even with a mountain of injuries last season QLD did not want anything to do with Fifita and won without him.

He can continue to rot at the Titans. He's not worth a cent over $400k / year and his handful of amazing attacking displays each year is more than eclipsed by horrible defence, poor discipline, a rubbish attitude and going missing at key times. Hard pass.


NRL Player
Feb 26, 2023
I know some of us are upset with this and Fifita should come back etc etc etc…
I look at it like a win.
A win were DD, Ikin & Co. didn’t blink and make another questionable decision. At the same time they made a statement that this isn’t a transitional club that you use for more $$$. We have a budget and know what we need. Spending outside that would upset the plan. The plan should be = Premierships.


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
Maybe. Hard to put a price on a Premiership though - and whilst that’s obviously not a guarantee at Brisbane, it’s probably closer than the Titans are likely to get in the next couple of years.
It seems you can put a price on a premiership


NRL Player
Feb 26, 2023
I think we’re being a bit harsh on David though…
Think about it objectively:
If you got an offer from a company to get paid more to do less work, would you take it?!
That’s what’s happened here.
Titans offered more than the Broncs.
More money, less work. Fifita can go on holidays at the end of August or just chill and watch his mates at the Broncos play finals footy.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
wonder if JWH could be that money ball option think he was looking at super league next year surely he could go around for another 12 months in a bench role even at 35.
be nice to have around to get a bit of a harder edge on our younger players.
JWH in a Bronco's jersey.
Would become the most penalised player of all time and make flegler look like a girl scout.

I am all for it.

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