Another good win. Looked like we put the cue back in the rack at halftime. If it was any other ref besides Klown I reckon we would have put over 30 points on the Eels in the first half. That flop penalty that he gave against Cobbo on Gutherson was just plain bias towards the Eels.
Best game I have seen from Cobbo this year. We all know he can score a try but some of his hits in defence and runs where he was skittling defenders was just awesome.
Thought Walters went good in the first half but struggled in his second stint. Rikki and Staggs were hitting and sticking tonight. As for Haas he is just a beast.
Best try i've seen from us this year was the Reynolds, Maam flick pass back to Reynolds one. Straight through the middle of the Eels much vaunted defence.
On Haas and the hip drop bullshit, when the tackle starts both of Haas's feet are in front of RCG then RCG's momentum and RCG ducking dragged Haas around and eventually onto his side. RCG being on wet and slippery ground didn't help with him doing the splits while on his knees.