That scandal should have broken them. The players should all have been stood down for the remainder of their tainted contracts, the administration should have been blacklisted for life, and the player's managers the same. It is a travesty that none of that happened, and the only reason it didn't happen was because the NRL needed Melbourne to survive, and they didn't want their precious Cam Smith, Greg Inglis, Billy Slater out of the game and playing for a rival code or off overseas. I blame the NRL for this side of things, but for the Storm to somehow be proud of the fact that they survived is like a high profile person being proud of avoiding jail for murder and not losing their career.
The same should have happened to the Sharks, but with the most powerful "journalist" being a lifelong Sharks fan, the NRL once again did what was best for them, not Rugby League, and gave them a gentle slap in exchange for favourable press.