13/14 Football Thread

Re: 12/13 Football Thread

Because the ratings aren't there outside of the 2 Clasico's it is that simple sadly. They basically get monster EPL/UCL ratings for thise 2 and very little for the rest of it.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

How come nobody picked up La Liga rights here?

Probably because the time zone sucks and the EPL already fills out the past midnight soccer timeslots.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

Probably because the time zone sucks and the EPL already fills out the past midnight soccer timeslots.

It is generally a different timeslot, most La Liga matches are either Sat or Sun night their time which is usually 3-6am start times here which is more often than not later than the final games on a Sat or Sun in England. They would have little to no clashes except for mid week EPL games clashing with midweek La Liga games as they are usually around the 4-6 timeslot.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

But were La Liga asking for too much or something? I'm pretty sure Setanta have the rights to the NPower Championship and the Blue Square and La Liga shits on both of them. Even the Rangers-less SPL and the Eredivisie I think are carried by Setanta. For La Liga not to have been picked up when those leagues were, seems wrong to me.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

Apparently ESPN just dropped it in the Asia-Pacific as it doesn't rate and Al-Jazeira Sports Network have picked up the Asia Pacific rights but unfortunately for us they don't have a channel here. As I said outside of 2 games a year it doesn't rate so no one went after it.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

Surprised SBS haven't done some kind of deal with Al Jazeera or whomever to show a game a week or something - if they're allowed to do that.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

It is generally a different timeslot, most La Liga matches are either Sat or Sun night their time which is usually 3-6am start times here which is more often than not later than the final games on a Sat or Sun in England. They would have little to no clashes except for mid week EPL games clashing with midweek La Liga games as they are usually around the 4-6 timeslot.

My mistake, I just assumed they'd be played at similair times and the time zones are basically the same. Surprising if that's the case but I guess Australian's don't care about soccer enough to have 3 leagues on tv.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

I don't think that's it at all.

Do you think there's enough demand to justify 3 different leagues on TV? A-League, EPL and La Liga?
I love watching soccer but it's tiring as hell just staying up to watch games here and there, let alone be able to watch La Liga and EPL, I'd turn into a zombie if I tried that.

Forgive me if I sound ridiculous btw but my view is that of a casual football fan who does not follows the news or the politics what so ever. I stay up to watch the occasional EPL game when I don't have work and record all the good ones + watch highlights.
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Re: 12/13 Football Thread

I only watch Porto games, and highlights of the PT Liga, La Liga and EPL.
Occasionally I'll watch the Brisbane Roar, until the level of soccer shits me to tears and I stop watching for another 2 months! :laugh:
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

Well Scotty, looks like you got Johnson and we got Sahin!

Absolutely delighted we've snagged Sahin for the season, he's going to be class alongside Allen and Lucas.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

Well Scotty, looks like you got Johnson and we got Sahin!

Absolutely delighted we've snagged Sahin for the season, he's going to be class alongside Allen and Lucas.

Yeah I'm stoked with that. We might need a left back if Richardson heads south (as he wants to) but apart from that I think we're pretty set. We definitely won't be pushovers this season!

On an unrelated note, does Mark Bosnich's laugh make anyone else want to punch their TV, set fire to the neigbours car and then kill a bunch of people? **** me, that man could not be more irritating.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

I was watching the Utd v Fulham last night and I saw something strange.

How the hell is Giggs still playing? The guy must be 50. Haha
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

Have a watch of this Ning, you'll love it (that is if you haven't already seen it)



Hahaha, love John Bishop, he's hilarious.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

"At that point I'd rather him say 'Actually Dad, I don't really like football. I'd rather be a girl and have a pony." LOL
Some interesting moves about. Van Der Vaart to Hamburg for 16m or so, Moutinho and Lloros to Spurs. Also hearing Dempsey and Sturridge to Liverpool and that Del Piero is headed to Bondi.
Re: 12/13 Football Thread

Del Piero... He's like 37, is he still any good at that age?

Obviously it's just a retirement cheque but the young guys at the club could learn a lot from someone like him.