The mention it in the rule change. I guess we'll see how its actually enforced though.
"2. Six again for 10 metre infringements.
To reduce stoppages in the game, 10 metre infringement penalties will be replaced with a “Six Again” ruling. Referees maintain the ability to blow a penalty and sin bin a player if a side has made repeated 10m infringements or in the case of professional fouls. The “Six Again” rule provided a sufficient deterrent for teams who purposely sought a penalty to slow the game down during previous years. This rule was trialled in two games during round 20 of last season. This will result in a fast game, less stoppages and more free-flowing action for fans."
Yeah they had the same directive when they introduced the six again last year... although I believe they fucked up when announcing it originally (ie. before a game had even been played under the rules).
People were concerned that teams would give away endless six agains knowing that a penalty wouldn't come, so the NRL clarified that a penalty could still be blown, but if it did that player would be sent to the bin (see linked article below)... this was a **** up and probably more of a lost in translation or misrepresentation of the rule during the presser than actual intent of the rule.
I believe the actual rule was a penalty can be awarded at the discretion of the referee... rather than a penalty can be awarded, but the offending player must be sin binned. (ie. If something is so blatant or repeated they can just blow it as a penalty, but not be required to bin the player as well)
Adding the sin bin as a direct quote either scared the officials into not wanting to enforce it (a penalty for repeat holding down, must be a sin binning... even though the rule didn't actually say that) or they risked copping it from the media for incorrect officiating "wait you said a player would be binned if a six again was escalated to a penalty"
This is why the NRL need to come out right now and clarify officiating of the six again. They need to state that a six again being blown as a penalty doesn't directly require the player to be binned.
If they did that last year they could've been penalising teams for situations like blatant holding down off quick 20m taps.... there was no advantage for a six again on tackle zero, so those blatant penalties could've been a kick for touch on zero rather than a six again for 1 extra tackle, but the way the idiots incorrectly quoted their own rule meant a blatant hold down off a 20m tap either had to be six again (for 1 extra tackle) or a penalty with the offending player sent to the bin (not sustainable in a world where Buzz has Twitter).
How the six-again rule will operate: Sin bin a threat for players who continually transgress.