POST GAME [2022 State of Origin - Game 3] QLD vs NSW

He did exactly what was needed without getting rattled once. He even took down Paulo by himself at one point. **** that for a joke.

He reminds me a bit of Ben Hunt. Was never a flashy player but somehow always managed to get the job done and put himself in the right place at the right time. I don't know if we did the wrong thing by letting him go, but I'm glad he's found his feet. I thought we mishandled him pretty badly. Still, would I swap him for Ezra? Probably not.
It’s probably one of those cases where both the club and player needed to make a change to get the best outcome for both parties longer term.
Patty oozes captaincy from every pore.
Absolutely, but he has plenty of time on his side. I think they’ve been preparing for Munster to take over from DCE for a while now, so Patty’s time will likely come after that.
I can't bag out Joey - he's reacted the same way most of us would, because he's passionate about it.

I'd probably hide it a little better if I was on the telly though haha.

Johns is Johns and so whatever. As I have said a few times, I had a massive issue with the main game caller (again I don't know who he is as apart from origin, I avoid channel 9 league's coverage like the plague and yes, Fox's isn't much better but it is the lesser of two evils) blatantly barracking for NSW. I don't care if Johns or Smith or whoever blurt out biased things here or there, they are state legends, so therefore they get a pass for that. The main commentator though, his ONE job is to call the game as unbiased as possible.
I can't bag out Joey - he's reacted the same way most of us would, because he's passionate about it.

I'd probably hide it a little better if I was on the telly though haha.
Except I'm almost positive that it was totally staged to generate future ratings. I'm sure he is disappointed but not near as devastated as he was making out to be. He's not a child or some lame brained fan. It was entertaining television for a moment there.