POST GAME [2022 State of Origin - Game 3] QLD vs NSW

One of my favourite origin moments. Ever. Absolutely pathetic kick from Cleary with an even shitter effort in the chase, if he wasn't a media love child he'd be absolutely hammered for his rubbish performance. Highest paid player in the game, you'd expect more.

**** yes Hunt you champ.

Does anyone recognise who was yelling GO GO GO?

One of my favourite origin moments. Ever. Absolutely pathetic kick from Cleary with an even shitter effort in the chase, if he wasn't a media love child he'd be absolutely hammered for his rubbish performance. Highest paid player in the game, you'd expect more.

**** yes Hunt you champ.

Does anyone recognise who was yelling GO GO GO?

Cameron Smith
Also, if Hunt isn't starting 9 for Australia, the selectors are shit. He's the best dummy half in the game, simple as that. 40/20, game winning try, and was brilliant the whole game.
3+ decades of drug abuse and being surrounded by sycophants all his life.
Shows you how incredibly talented he must have been. Like, no one can become the best in their field AND be drug fucked, not over three decades as you claim. Right? I mean, sure drugs can help for a short period but being at the very top over a long period, nah, nobody does that on drugs.

If he succeeded IN SPITE of being drug addicted/fucked as you claim then he was a monumental talent.

Of course there's another possibility. Perhaps he was highly dedicated most of the time and just dabbled recreationally. That seems to explain how he could be at the top for so long. Mmm, maybe it was more just drug use than abusing the opportunity to use as much drugs as possible. Perhaps he only played around with it a bit but otherwise put in the hard yards because if not, **** me, he must have been good to overcome the obstacle that drug abuse creates.
As I have said more than once over the last few weeks.
Can someone please explain to me how Haas is worth double Patty???
I wouldnt be upset if the club moved Haas on at the end of the season purely because of how much salary cap he chews up. I'm not saying he isn't a great player but he simply isn't worth that much to us, given the ridiculous amount of young talent we have on our hands....

Oh, and I'm absolutely stoked for Oatesy. Surely the club will keep him on and let him be a one club player even if it's on much less money to make sure we can keep some of the talent we have on our hands.
I wonder if Freddy is going to cop any shit for leaving Wighton out of the side.

Burton was rubbish. At least Wighton would have been a threat, especially with our right side being in disarray early on.
I wonder if Freddy is going to cop any shit for leaving Wighton out of the side.

Burton was rubbish. At least Wighton would have been a threat, especially with our right side being in disarray early on.
I was thinking about qld's right side. In the first 2 games the defence was quite weak, however after the forced shuffle, capewell was placed at right centre. All of a sudden that right side looked a lot better.

His work is very underrated.

One of my favourite origin moments. Ever. Absolutely pathetic kick from Cleary with an even shitter effort in the chase, if he wasn't a media love child he'd be absolutely hammered for his rubbish performance. Highest paid player in the game, you'd expect more.

**** yes Hunt you champ.

Does anyone recognise who was yelling GO GO GO?

What makes this even better for mine is I'm reasonably confident that Addo Carr would have caught him. Nice one Freddy.
I wonder if Freddy is going to cop any shit for leaving Wighton out of the side.

Burton was rubbish. At least Wighton would have been a threat, especially with our right side being in disarray early on.

But Burtons kicks mate!!! Have you seen them? They're a nightmare apparently and go higher than the stadium. That stuff is super important.
Shows you how incredibly talented he must have been. Like, no one can become the best in their field AND be drug fucked, not over three decades as you claim. Right? I mean, sure drugs can help for a short period but being at the very top over a long period, nah, nobody does that on drugs.

If he succeeded IN SPITE of being drug addicted/fucked as you claim then he was a monumental talent.

Of course there's another possibility. Perhaps he was highly dedicated most of the time and just dabbled recreationally. That seems to explain how he could be at the top for so long. Mmm, maybe it was more just drug use than abusing the opportunity to use as much drugs as possible. Perhaps he only played around with it a bit but otherwise put in the hard yards because if not, **** me, he must have been good to overcome the obstacle that drug abuse creates.
Dude, he’s publicly stated quite candidly that he knew when to expect drug testing at training and exactly how to time his drug use over a weekend between game day and a return to training to ensure he avoided detection. He’s admitted he had a serious problem with drug use. But hey, maybe you know him better than he knows himself right?

Plenty of people are very highly functioning regular and even heavy drug users in a range of professions. You’d be living under a rock to believe otherwise. He’s almost certainly not the only footballer doing it either. Though I’d imagine it’s getting harder to get away with it as technology catches up in detecting it.

No one is debating his obvious footballing talent. The question was about why at his age he still behaves like a fuckwit when he doesn’t get his way.