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Willison: ankle, season over.

My sources tell me they gave the wheel a big spin when determining length of suspension, hence the delay.

wheel through the years GIF by Wheel of Fortune

Final directions​

Chairman giving his final directions to the two-man jury panel.

Emphasises onus is on the NRL to prove guilt, not on Walsh to prove his innocence.

Deliberations will finally begin shortly. I expect a verdict in about 20 minutes (but who knows).
to be fair there is no way walsh is getting off this. The judiciary is a kangaroo court and they can do whatever they want. They would have already made their mind up before going in
At this point the panel can save face by finding him not guilty, based solely on evidence provided by the players.

If they find him guilty they are disregarding their evidence and claiming it to be lies... that can have larger ramifications than NSWRL media throwing pot shots.

They can save face and cite a lack of evidence in the match report (to allow the ref to save face) and evidence from the players aligning with video footage and not being disputed by audio of the event.

Then just leave it up to the media to claim the players lied
8.45pm – Judiciary chairman Justice Geoffrey Bellew is summarising both submissions with a verdict to come shortly following deliberation.
We'll be fine. The NRL have pushed us to the top of the ladder by looking after us, surely they won't start hindering us now!
I just can't see Walsh getting off.
Neither can I... and I'd say they're hoping that broncos will just walk away and not bother to dispute the claims that the players are colluding and lying.

Unfortunately it will be everywhere in the media that the players have effectively lied if he's found guilty... and that may force the club to step up and take it higher
Neither can I... and I'd say they're hoping that broncos will just walk away and not bother to dispute the claims that the players are colluding and lying.

Unfortunately it will be everywhere in the media that the players have effectively lied if he's found guilty... and that may force the club to step up and take it higher

The Titans may even join us, since one of their players was also accused