2024 State of Origin - Game I Discussion



State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
ehh my money is on Kev being a bit of a puss.

"Yeah he does get targeted but that's because he's a good player. Good players get targeted. I certainly did in my day. I hope the NRL looks at it more closely as it's a shame for the fans but we'll just have to do what we can while reece is out and focus on the task at hand..."


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
ehh my money is on Kev being a bit of a puss.

"Yeah he does get targeted but that's because he's a good player. Good players get targeted. I certainly did in my day. I hope the NRL looks at it more closely as it's a shame for the fans but we'll just have to do what we can while reece is out and focus on the task at hand..."
Not sure... I think theres every chance he says exactly what you wrote, but he was pretty fucking livid after the Panthers game... was basically the first time in a long time that he criticised officiating in a presser.

He definitely has history with this exact topic and it's come to fruition since he spoke out about it


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Won't be the last time we see an opposition player sent off either if they keep screaming out of the defensive line to put a shot on him with zero regard for his safety. Also won't be the last time we see the media meltdown over it
This is why Kev needs to be very vocal about it right now, he can heap enormous scrutiny on defenders on Walsh going forward if he blows up big time.
His media presser will be tomorrow (I think?) and one of the first questions will be "Do you think Reece gets targeted by opposition teams?"

Clearly he does get targeted... but all playmakers do... but he can also say something about playmakers needing to be protected (we already do it with kickers) and about Reece being out for the next 2 weeks so fans wont get to watch him... and something about if the NRL dont protect their star players then they wont be around for as long as they should be.

That would be a fuckton of ammunition to put pressure on the NRL
The bigger picture problem for rugby league is this frame by frame scrutiny and all these progressively creeping, and complicated, rules means defence is becoming impossibly precise.

I don't disagree with needing to protect the players but I don't have an answer how to do so while retaining the game's spontaneity.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
hey, anything to give us an advantage. just mention he's the face of the league and brings in many eyes and it's not a good look for people to be focusing on him laying motionless instead of looking into his beautiful eyes..

PVL will suspend everyone in a 500 mile radius if he thinks he can make some cash from it.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
ehh my money is on Kev being a bit of a puss.

"Yeah he does get targeted but that's because he's a good player. Good players get targeted. I certainly did in my day. I hope the NRL looks at it more closely as it's a shame for the fans but we'll just have to do what we can while reece is out and focus on the task at hand..."
At Origin level every player should be dangerous enough to warrant targeting. Hamiso every bit as much as Walsh.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018

Do you honestly think John Cartwright is going to sit there and be part of a plan to maim Walsh?

Do you think Haas is going to say let me do it I will take his head off?

They would have spoken all week about pressure on Walsh and getting up quick and cutting down his time- the same as Queensland did.

If you were going to give instructions to get at Walsh and get sent off do you pick the private school winger to be your hit man?

Come on.
Do you think McGuire is not capable of pulling players aside and having a quiet word away from the other players (Haas) and the coaching staff (Carty). Honestly, you're sounding a bit naive there mate.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
The bigger picture problem for rugby league is this frame by frame scrutiny and all these progressively creeping, and complicated, rules means defence is becoming impossibly precise.

I don't disagree with needing to protect the players but I don't have an answer how to do so while retaining the game's spontaneity.
Protection just needs to be harsh penalties if you **** up.

Players can be physical and aggressive, but if they **** up and spear someone, cannon ball someone, take someone's head off... then they should expect to be hit hard in the game as well as with suspensions after the game.

This shouldn't be a magic round type clamp down, because that just brings divers into it and it all gets lost, but if someone is Cat 1 because of an illegal act then they should expect to be sent off.

You cant Cat 1 someone through foul play and then be able to come back onto the field... the illegal act would see the offending team advantaged more than the other team which is not enough of a deterrent.

The only way coaches will change things is if avoidable actions starts resulting in losses... just like last night.

Instead of blaming the player for the act Madge blamed the reffing... if Sua lowers his target area instead of turning himself into a fucking missile, then no one is talking about it today


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Protection just needs to be harsh penalties if you **** up.

Players can be physical and aggressive, but if they **** up and spear someone, cannon ball someone, take someone's head off... then they should expect to be hit hard in the game as well as with suspensions after the game.

This shouldn't be a magic round type clamp down, because that just brings divers into it and it all gets lost, but if someone is Cat 1 because of an illegal act then they should expect to be sent off.

You cant Cat 1 someone through foul play and then be able to come back onto the field... the illegal act would see the offending team advantaged more than the other team which is not enough of a deterrent.

The only way coaches will change things is if avoidable actions starts resulting in losses... just like last night.

Instead of blaming the player for the act Madge blamed the reffing... if Sua lowers his target area instead of turning himself into a fucking missile, then no one is talking about it today

Even the coaches struggle to understand the fine details of what's now illegal. That's why every hip drop/disruptor penalty results in a panel of ex players arguing over it on tele. I'm pretty sure Sua'ali'i wanted to stop Walsh in his tracks as brutally as he could get away with, but I strongly doubt he aimed his shoulder at his chin thinking it would go unnoticed.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
There's no doubt it was a plan to get out there and hit Walsh with everything they can.

The fact Madge alluded to the Taylan May tackle, he was probably thinking "that wasn't even a sin bin on the night, what are the chances of them doing it in Origin?".


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Even the coaches struggle to understand the fine details of what's now illegal. That's why every hip drop/disruptor penalty results in a panel of ex players arguing over it on tele. I'm pretty sure Sua'ali'i wanted to stop Walsh in his tracks as brutally as he could get away with, but I strongly doubt he aimed his shoulder at his chin thinking it would go unnoticed.
I'm not saying he deliberately did it... I'm saying he tried to put on a massive shot, lost control and it resulted in him airborne, his shoulder in Reece's face and a clear Cat 1.

He took the risk and it resulted in a send off and basically cost his team the win.

If it's known to everyone across the league that a player coming in like he did and the result ending up like it did for Reece then everyone should be expecting it to be a send off.

Coaches will start changing their tactics if there's a chance they lose a player for the game, because they know the game is basically lost at that point.

If a hip drop or cannon ball requires a medicab to come onto the field... then see ya later.

Players will become more cautious about their actions if they know the risk is basically an automatic loss for their team and weeks on the sidelines. They'll just stay away from it altogether... you also cant dive your way onto a medicab or if you dive for a Cat 1 you're done for the game and 11-days.

There shouldn't be any questions about last night's being a send off... having ambiguity in a decision like last night means people are open to complaining about "why is that a send off, it's origin, it ruined the game, etc." whereas the default response should be everyone knowing that it's going to be a send off.

If there are people questioning it then that's the NRL's problem to deal with it, because they arent consistent with their messaging and actions.

They need to get to a point where everyone watching knows that that is a send off... whether it happens in a nothing game or if it happens in the first minute of the grand final people watching should know it is a send off.

That removes the pressure from the ref having to decide "is the occasion too big for this decision"... people should be blaming Suaalii for his idiotic decision and not blaming the ref for making a correct call.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Do you think McGuire is not capable of pulling players aside and having a quiet word away from the other players (Haas) and the coaching staff (Carty). Honestly, you're sounding a bit naive there mate.

Maybe they had secret Manila folders- operation close those beautiful eyes.

Probably goes all the way to Trodden. Did Macguire just become a lunatic bloodthirsty crazy last week or do you think he’s done this before at Souths?


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I'm not saying he deliberately did it... I'm saying he tried to put on a massive shot, lost control and it resulted in him airborne, his shoulder in Reece's face and a clear Cat 1.

He took the risk and it resulted in a send off and basically cost his team the win.

If it's known to everyone across the league that a player coming in like he did and the result ending up like it did for Reece then everyone should be expecting it to be a send off.

Coaches will start changing their tactics if there's a chance they lose a player for the game, because they know the game is basically lost at that point.

If a hip drop or cannon ball requires a medicab to come onto the field... then see ya later.

Players will become more cautious about their actions if they know the risk is basically an automatic loss for their team and weeks on the sidelines. They'll just stay away from it altogether... you also cant dive your way onto a medicab or if you dive for a Cat 1 you're done for the game and 11-days.

There shouldn't be any questions about last night's being a send off... having ambiguity in a decision like last night means people are open to complaining about "why is that a send off, it's origin, it ruined the game, etc." whereas the default response should be everyone knowing that it's going to be a send off.

If there are people questioning it then that's the NRL's problem to deal with it, because they arent consistent with their messaging and actions.

They need to get to a point where everyone watching knows that that is a send off... whether it happens in a nothing game or if it happens in the first minute of the grand final people watching should know it is a send off.

That removes the pressure from the ref having to decide "is the occasion too big for this decision"... people should be blaming Suaalii for his idiotic decision and not blaming the ref for making a correct call.
It was definitely send-off worthy. I'm just not sure how much inroads the coaches can make into teaching players how to operate within the stringent guidelines of what's allowable. It's not like they're laser guided robots. When it comes to Walsh, they're lucky to get a hand on him sometimes, let alone set a precise target and hit it bang on within microseconds. Shit is always going to hit the walls in rugby league.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
That's not true.

“I hope he’s doing all right. I hope his family is doing well. I didn’t mean to hit him in the head.

“I haven’t reached out yet, but it’s something that I’ll do.”
Yea nah, that wasnt on his Instagram when i looked this morning, unless he has updated it since then.
Want to provide a link to show this concern you speak of?

I see no mention of Walsh here 1910, happy to take it back if you have seen it elsewhere.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
If it was a deliberate tactic then it's just robbed the Broncos of our best player for the next two rounds. Assuming it was a pre-planned tactic, there is no accountability on the NSW coaching staff for coaching their players to illegally, per the rules of the game, inflict serious injury on an opposition player. IMO the coaching staff brought the game into disrepute if it is true and ought to cop some sort of penalty.

Patty is still fit mate. They couldnt touch him.
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
Not sure who it was who hit Tuilagi square across the chops when he was carrying it out from our end. Normally that would be 10 in the bin, but it never even drew a penalty. By the looks of him after the tackle it stung too.

Yeah he got a good smack in the mouth .
He was pulling some faces after .

Should have been a penalty .


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
That's not true.

“I hope he’s doing all right. I hope his family is doing well. I didn’t mean to hit him in the head.

“I haven’t reached out yet, but it’s something that I’ll do.”
Oh yeah thats real convincing, all is forgiven. 🙄


What, me worry?
Jul 7, 2013
I think Sualli needs the next size up in pants. It's like he got those ones when he was 16 and is still wearing them. Would be severely cutting off the blood flow.


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