AFL & NRL Asked to take mid season break during World Cup

Huge compared to what? A Dolphins game out at Redcliffe?

Send it someone where the majority care. All that's going to happen by cancelling the real Aussie sports is piss people off.
Get fked. I don't want to miss 8 weeks of Rugby League because of Soccer. Take it to a country(like Nashy has said) where most people actually love soccer. I wouldn't mind having it just not skipping 8 weeks of league and it would be around the same time as origin so what would happen in that case?

Anyway I hate discussing stuff two years ahead let alone 9-13 years lol.
I find it interesting that a lot of people arguing that they should award the World Cup to a country where Soccer is basically already the number 1 sport and not to Australia where it isn't. Many people also say that in order to grow and strengthen the game, RL should take games and set up teams in other states around the country and not just restrict the game to the Eastern States where it is already strong. It's basically the same thing - FIFA would gain a lot in terms of support for and growth of their sport by hosting the World Cup in a country such as Australia, where there is interest that should be taken advantage of.

FTR I think we will definitely get it in either 2018 or 2022 (2022 being the more likely of the 2).
Aeetee said:
Question is would they do it for us......

Nope, but thats cause Rugby League wouldnt ask they to halt anything. just simply to move matches it nights League isnt on.
League and AFL would be stupid not to play along because both crowds and ratings will die in the arse while the World Cup is on. So many extra people gave a s##t about the Olympics in 2000 compared to 04' or 08' and the same will apply here. People will adopt teams that are training in their cities and the carnival atmosphere will be everywhere.
The Gymp said:
League and AFL would be stupid not to play along because both crowds and ratings will die in the arse while the World Cup is on. So many extra people gave a s##t about the Olympics in 2000 compared to 04' or 08' and the same will apply here. People will adopt teams that are training in their cities and the carnival atmosphere will be everywhere.

You're a soccer fan so you'd say that, but I fear you may have a point.
I don't doubt the positive aspects of hosting the World Cup in Australia, but I just don't think that the other football codes should be forced to interrupt their seasons just because of FIFA's stupid rules, and it is unfair to even suggest such a thing IMO.

As someone said, would they do it for us? If we wanted to host a Rugby League World Cup in Spain, and requested a break from their regular football matches, I guarantee they would tell us to bugger off.

It's just not cricket.
Clintos said:
As someone said, would they do it for us? If we wanted to host a Rugby League World Cup in Spain, and requested a break from their regular football matches, I guarantee they would tell us to bugger off.

You can't seriously compare the Rugby League World Cup & The Football Cup
Few points here:

1) Who knows the state of the NRL by then... It will be a factor

2) As mentioned already - HUGE political pressure will be appled - however I DO think it would be a decent chance for the NRL to cash in some revenue - assuming they need it and it is a FAIR amount.

3) Personally, I'm with the Origin idea... Origin sells out ANYWAY - and die hard origin fans will ALWAYS be hyped and crazy about origin. (As I was in 2002) World cup was just a bonus. I think we should play origin in those weeks.

I know the logistics are totally out of sync and it is probably unfair for non-rep players but IF Australia were to host a world cup - I can see it working.
take Origin to the SFS and ANZ here in brisbane give it a retro feel for the year. bring out the old 80s Team shirts. And cash in.
The Gymp said:
League and AFL would be stupid not to play along because both crowds and ratings will die in the arse while the World Cup is on.

Absolutely. So as I said, have the wogball world cup in September, and have the local footbal competitions finish in early August. Shorten them by a few weeks and start them in February, no major loss to them.

I don't give a flying **** about the wogball competitions in Europe. They should move around the world cup too.
Coxy said:
The Gymp said:
League and AFL would be stupid not to play along because both crowds and ratings will die in the arse while the World Cup is on.

Absolutely. So as I said, have the wogball world cup in September, and have the local footbal competitions finish in early August. Shorten them by a few weeks and start them in February, no major loss to them.

I don't give a flying **** about the wogball competitions in Europe. They should move around the world cup too.

[icon_lol1. Your either baiting or you don't fathom how much money and power the European leagues have at their disposal. The NRL is not of any significance when put on the same stage as these leagues or the World Cup, we play a pissy 26 round comp to small crowds where the winner gets a few hundred thousand they play in 38 round comps with massive crowds, massive TV revenue and millions of dollars at stake. You would also have to change the Champions League final as well and considering the money involved there and the power UEFA has the very idea is stupid and pointless. The NRL and AFL should do exactly what FIFA and the FFA suggest they do because this competition is far greater and more important than what they have.
We'll get the 2022 World Cup.

As for FIFA asking AFL and NRL to take 8 weeks off, I think it should happen. As much as I love league and not really get into soccer much, I think we should take a break.

Looking at it on a much bigger scale, Australia's tourism industry would be massive due to World Cup. "Football" is so popular around the world that die-hard fans would come here to support their country. Plus, locals would join the bandwagon because it is a HUGE sporting event that won't happen again in a long time. I for one would be one of them.

Sure the government would spend a lot of $$$ on stadium improvements, but in the long run, we'll make a lot of profit from it.

However, I would miss league terribly. :-(
The Gymp said:
Coxy said:
[quote="The Gymp":a7en5orp]League and AFL would be stupid not to play along because both crowds and ratings will die in the arse while the World Cup is on.

Absolutely. So a8s I said, have the wogball world cup in September, and have the local footbal competitions finish in early August. Shorten them by a few weeks and start them in February, no major loss to them.

I don't give a flying **** about the wogball competitions in Europe. They should move around the world cup too.

[icon_lol1. Your either baiting or you don't fathom how much money and power the European leagues have at their disposal. The NRL is not of any significance when put on the same stage as these leagues or the World Cup, we play a pissy 26 round comp to small crowds where the winner gets a few hundred thousand they play in 38 round comps with massive crowds, massive TV revenue and millions of dollars at stake. You would also have to change the Champions League final as well and considering the money involved there and the power UEFA has the very idea is stupid and pointless. The NRL and AFL should do exactly what FIFA and the FFA suggest they do because this competition is far greater and more important than what they have.[/quote:a7en5orp]

Again. If they want the world cup here they hold it in September. That just has to happen. If not take it elsewhere. It won't hurt anyone.
It would hurt the structure of all the big leagues in both Europe and South America therefore it wouldn't and shouldn't be moved to cater a few competitions in sports that have little to no impact in the grand scheme of things.
Coxy said:
The Gymp said:
Coxy said:
[quote="The Gymp":2y0ui43f]League and AFL would be stupid not to play along because both crowds and ratings will die in the arse while the World Cup is on.

Absolutely. So a8s I said, have the wogball world cup in September, and have the local footbal competitions finish in early August. Shorten them by a few weeks and start them in February, no major loss to them.

I don't give a flying **** about the wogball competitions in Europe. They should move around the world cup too.

[icon_lol1. Your either baiting or you don't fathom how much money and power the European leagues have at their disposal. The NRL is not of any significance when put on the same stage as these leagues or the World Cup, we play a pissy 26 round comp to small crowds where the winner gets a few hundred thousand they play in 38 round comps with massive crowds, massive TV revenue and millions of dollars at stake. You would also have to change the Champions League final as well and considering the money involved there and the power UEFA has the very idea is stupid and pointless. The NRL and AFL should do exactly what FIFA and the FFA suggest they do because this competition is far greater and more important than what they have.

Again. If they want the world cup here they hold it in September. That just has to happen. If not take it elsewhere. It won't hurt anyone.[/quote:2y0ui43f]

problem is Coxy, FIFA couldnt care less if we had the world cup or not. its our goverment that wants us to have it.
And as usual our government will try and do something stupid like get this, compel us to spend millions on stadiums we won't need beyond the tournament, leave us in massive debt (ala NSW after the Olympics) and piss off the majority of Australian sports fans by fucking with their favourite sports.

The Australian Government should not be bidding for it, end of story.

The Gymp said:
It would hurt the structure of all the big leagues in both Europe and South America therefore it wouldn't and shouldn't be moved to cater a few competitions in sports that have little to no impact in the grand scheme of things.

Dude, come off it. Soccer doesn't matter in the "Grand scheme of things" is a luxury item, a piece of entertainment. It doesn't matter a scrap "in the grand scheme of things".

But Sports does matter to the unwashed masses like ourselves, and in Australia, AFL and NRL are 1000 times more popular than wogball. Yes, the world cup will attract a lot of interest, no doubt. But it'll be shortlived. The Government should not condone or enforce such drastic interruptions to 2 of Australia's favourite sporting competitions for a single event that is flash in the pan, overhyped, and far too expensive for our little economy to deal with.