AFL & NRL Asked to take mid season break during World Cup

So let me get this straight: FIFA is asking NRL to have a mid-season break during state of origin period for nothing in return. Ok, well i'm no David Gallop or Andrew Demetriou but I'd say "Get F'ed" and slam the door shut. FIFA are douchebags. Dead set.
Hatchy said:
So let me get this straight: FIFA is asking NRL to have a mid-season break during state of origin period for nothing in return. Ok, well i'm no David Gallop or Andrew Demetriou but I'd say "Get F'ed" and slam the door shut. FIFA are douchebags. Dead set.

It's not actually FIFA asking them to take the break it is FFA. but FIFA's rules regarding world cups is the reason
BroncoMatt said:
Clintos said:
As someone said, would they do it for us? If we wanted to host a Rugby League World Cup in Spain, and requested a break from their regular football matches, I guarantee they would tell us to bugger off.

You can't seriously compare the Rugby League World Cup & The Football Cup

Obviously it was a hypothetical situation because it would be stupid to take Rugby League anywhere that it isn't played. My point was that the European soccer nations wouldn't adjust their schedules for outside tournaments.

Soccer is currently behind NRL and AFL in terms of popularity in Australia IMO. I can't see how delaying the two biggest sports in Australia can be justified.

I am probably biased, because I am by no means a soccer fan anymore. I used to love it, I played for 11 years, but I wouldn't go to watch a game. I much prefer Coxy's suggestion of adjusting the schedules of the major soccer/football nations. I don't give a shit how much money, or power the European clubs have. It has nothing to do with Australian sport.

Surprisingly, I agree with everything Coxy has said in this thread. Wasting money on stadium upgrades that won't be needed after the tournament is finished is just idiotic.
I am sort of pissed off by the idea that our government is now looking at spending all this money to help bring stadiums up to the requirements of Fifa.

Where were the governments cheque book when Redfern Oval was calling for an upgrade for 20 years? Belmore, Leichardt, Newcastle and Campbelltown to name a few as well of being shitted on with their upgrade money and how long it took to get it.

So, now the government thinks they can get something out of hosting the World Cup. They are jumping up and down like a kid in a candy shop whose parent's won't buy him candy. Making a huge fuss over it all because they want and probably need the money. Eg. Look at Chicago's reaction to not getting to host the Olympics. Booo Hoo.

I wish we never made the world cup last year and if we did, we went out in the pool stages. So I could LMAO at the bandwagoner's and Soccer elite's crapping on about their sad exercise of the world's game. If that happened FIFA wouldn't even know we existed and their globe would have a whole area of blue sea between Asia and Antarctica.

Twiztid said:
I am sort of pissed off by the idea that our government is now looking at spending all this money to help bring stadiums up to the requirements of Fifa.

Where were the governments cheque book when Redfern Oval was calling for an upgrade for 20 years? Belmore, Leichardt, Newcastle and Campbelltown to name a few as well of being shitted on with their upgrade money and how long it took to get it.

But this is to attract an international event, something which will put us on the international stage, and get fans - unlike Redfern oval. Perhaps it will provide a bonus to the stadiums getting upgrades, having more teams play, more people interested and more fans through the gate on a weekly basis - I know Suncorp could do with an upgrade, be it facility/ options, or access, and this could only be a good thing
ddd said:
But this is to attract an international event, something which will put us on the international stage, and get fans - unlike Redfern oval. Perhaps it will provide a bonus to the stadiums getting upgrades, having more teams play, more people interested and more fans through the gate on a weekly basis - I know Suncorp could do with an upgrade, be it facility/ options, or access, and this could only be a good thing
When you refer to "us", are you refering to Australia, NRL or Soccer. Because upgrading stadiums for this international event isn't going to do much if anything for Rugby League, besides the upgrades to the stadiums.

Look at Homebush as an example. Since Sydney 2000, for probably a good half of the year nothing happens at the different facilities at Homebush. It served its purpose for the Olympics. Yet, almost 10 years later, we don't have enough use for all the areas and these places have to be getting money from somewhere to be looked after.

So, basically my problem being is. If those traditional grounds where given the money proposed over 10+ years ago, instead of being stuffed around by the government, imagine the crowds. Souths playing at packed Redfern Oval of 20k a game, Bulldogs playing at a packed Belmore to 20k a game and Leichardt upgrade to fit a comfortable 20k a game instead of feeling like sardines. Anz, SFS and maybe a build another Suncorp stadium in Sydney to handle the bigger crowd games.

IMO this whole situation is basically becoming a somewhat FU to Rugby League and AFL. They are chasing the dollar and if they did these upgrades and spent more money on the games already established here, they wouldn't look as bad in my eyes. But, I have rose coloured glasses on as someone who hates soccer.
It is just a boring sport to me. I can play it with friends and play the video game. But, watch it, read about it, play a real game of it etc just doesn't excite me and never has. Though I like sports like Gridiron, Ice Hockey and lesser extent Baseball. Sports that not everyone on here enjoys.

Plus, I hate all the crap that goes on during a soccer match. Diving and injury acting. That lost us the game against Italy in the World Cup. For a game with so much required "skill", why does a game end in a draw most of the time after 80+ mins? With Soccer you get the best bits in the highlights package and the best bits are when someone scores or when a beach ball is involved.

Before the old forum was deleted by Shaun I gave my 2 cents on what would get me to watch the sport but it doesn't need to be discussed here.
That is why I said for a good half of the year. Please remember I also worked in the area during my time at Souths so I have seen the same things and am aware that activities do indeed go on, but are there enough activities on to cover the time the facilities are not in use?
to the people suggesting origin or test matches during the period, there can be NO major sporting events, anywhere, in the country at the time.

the timing of the world cup wont be moved, so saying it should be in september is pointless.

the government has already chipped in 40 million for the bid, the pressure will be on the afl, nrl and aru to step aside. and they have 9+ years to jink their schedules that year.
shadow said:
to the people suggesting origin or test matches during the period, there can be NO major sporting events, anywhere, in the country at the time.

My suggestion in regards to test matches during the time was for a full Kangaroo Tour like they used to have in the 80s - Aust goes to Europe and plays matches against France, Wales etc as well as Great Britain.
Twiztid said:
ddd said:
But this is to attract an international event, something which will put us on the international stage, and get fans - unlike Redfern oval. Perhaps it will provide a bonus to the stadiums getting upgrades, having more teams play, more people interested and more fans through the gate on a weekly basis - I know Suncorp could do with an upgrade, be it facility/ options, or access, and this could only be a good thing
When you refer to "us", are you refering to Australia, NRL or Soccer. Because upgrading stadiums for this international event isn't going to do much if anything for Rugby League, besides the upgrades to the stadiums.

Look at Homebush as an example. Since Sydney 2000, for probably a good half of the year nothing happens at the different facilities at Homebush. It served its purpose for the Olympics. Yet, almost 10 years later, we don't have enough use for all the areas and these places have to be getting money from somewhere to be looked after.

So, basically my problem being is. If those traditional grounds where given the money proposed over 10+ years ago, instead of being stuffed around by the government, imagine the crowds. Souths playing at packed Redfern Oval of 20k a game, Bulldogs playing at a packed Belmore to 20k a game and Leichardt upgrade to fit a comfortable 20k a game instead of feeling like sardines. Anz, SFS and maybe a build another Suncorp stadium in Sydney to handle the bigger crowd games.

IMO this whole situation is basically becoming a somewhat FU to Rugby League and AFL. They are chasing the dollar and if they did these upgrades and spent more money on the games already established here, they wouldn't look as bad in my eyes. But, I have rose coloured glasses on as someone who hates soccer.

'Us' as in Australia
shadow said:
to the people suggesting origin or test matches during the period, there can be NO major sporting events, anywhere, in the country at the time.

I thought it was just We cant use any of the stadiums the world cup use during that time.

So that would leave a couple of options. cannot see Bally or SFS being used for the world cup so there is the 2 Stadiums to hold a "Vintage Origin"
no, as i understand it we cant use the stadiums that will be used for the world cup in the four weeks before the tournament begins, and then during the tournament no major sports/football codes can be played at we couldnt even play origin in perth...

but i could be wrong...
No wonder wogball is rich. bastards dont allow any other sport to compete.
shadow said:
no, as i understand it we cant use the stadiums that will be used for the world cup in the four weeks before the tournament begins, and then during the tournament no major sports/football codes can be played at we couldnt even play origin in perth...

but i could be wrong...

As I understood it, no other code can hold a game anywhere in the host city of a World Cup game.

So, midweek Origin matches would be fine as long as Sydney/Brisbane isn't hosting a WC game on that Wednesday.

But it's all conjecture, anyway, because if the soccer blokes don't come to an agreement beforehand, there's not really anything to stop the NRL or AFL from holding a game during the WC, short of the Government passing law against it. Which would be somewhat unpopular with everyone ever.