...by the time its decided if he is worthy to rejoin humanity co-incides with other teams approaching his manager to sign with them..
I mean, what the actual ****?
This club is split, its falling apart at the seams. The board is split, the playing group is split, the coaching team and players were split....
Here was the Golden opportunity to absolutely go nuclear on one of the biggest fucking reasons for it, given the ammunition the muppet had given both us and the NRL.....and he gets 10% of this years wages witheld, asked not to open his mobile phone to text and can he please be a good boy?
The biggest issue was me thinking the club actually had balls and a will to change...
this **** checked out last year with the majority of the playing group, the seniors checked out when Bennett left..and didnt care one jot who the next guy was...they were done, only interested in getting their ill deserved money..
This is going to take years to sort out.....we will continue to go nowhere, we will attract nothing but garbage to this club....i dont know where to start...?
But im telling each and every one of you......prepare for more hurt and pain over the next few years, the cancers in the playing group are here fo the long haul.
Oh yeh, the message received form the way they delat with TPJ, received loud and clear by them dont worry...