VOTE Anthony Seibold Discussion

Should Seibold be sacked immediately?

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International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
that's a shame ... IF, we could keep him on the park.

you watch him carve up in 2021
Oh I'm a fan of Bird. Deadset unlucky but he may have to give the game away. Sorry about off topic. My sources from Cronulla say they want him back and it's mutual which given his injuries and the current state of the Broncos it's understandable. I think he has been a professional up in Brisbane, we never heard a thing about him even though he has had so much time to **** up away from the spotlight. Sad really, his time with us.


NRL Player
May 10, 2014
You know once I saw Glenn pulling pants down at training I knew we had a loss coming. I played local A grade and you wouldn't see that crap even there. You would end up on the deck more then likely. Verbal banter is another thing. But those type of bafoonish antics in the middle of a loss streak is unacceptable. especially from your captain, the man who is supposed to be driving culture.

Seibs I just don't know what to tell you fella, your time as Broncos head coach may be at an end. You didn't set a standard, you should have dropped Boyd last year, you should have dropped Milf a few weeks ago and Oats for that matter. When the media put pressure on you not to make Lodge captain you should of just done it anyway and shown some backbone. Thats the problem the media have gone heavy and hard on you for whatever reason and you have not shut them out, you have tried to be a nice guy. Time to nut up or go home.


NRL Captain
Sep 10, 2018
If they dumped seibold and it cost them $3m. Pretty sure it would be possible to find 30,000 people who would chip in $100 for him to **** off? I mean I would.
That’s essentially membership money


NRL Captain
Jun 6, 2015
Since the season restart the teams doing well run hard and play fast off the back of it. The Storm v Roosters game was the best example, but the Eels, Panthers, Tigers all do it. Whatever it is Brisbane do is laughable in comparison, we’re not in the same universe.


NRL Captain
Sep 22, 2016
Oh I'm a fan of Bird. Deadset unlucky but he may have to give the game away. Sorry about off topic. My sources from Cronulla say they want him back and it's mutual which given his injuries and the current state of the Broncos it's understandable. I think he has been a professional up in Brisbane, we never heard a thing about him even though he has had so much time to **** up away from the spotlight. Sad really, his time with us.

My source at Cronulla does not confirm this.


NRL Captain
Sep 10, 2018
that's a shame ... IF, we could keep him on the park.

you watch him carve up in 2021
Yeah I agree he is a good player when on the field... as long as he stays fit than I would be happy to keep him


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
You know once I saw Glenn pulling pants down at training I knew we had a loss coming. I played local A grade and you wouldn't see that crap even there. You would end up on the deck more then likely. Verbal banter is another thing. But those type of bafoonish antics in the middle of a loss streak is unacceptable. especially from your captain, the man who is supposed to be driving culture.

Seibs I just don't know what to tell you fella, your time as Broncos head coach may be at an end. You didn't set a standard, you should have dropped Boyd last year, you should have dropped Milf a few weeks ago and Oats for that matter. When the media put pressure on you not to make Lodge captain you should of just done it anyway and shown some backbone. Thats the problem the media have gone heavy and hard on you for whatever reason and you have not shut them out, you have tried to be a nice guy. Time to nut up or go home.

Tactically, I agree. For Seibold to save face, he ought to have dropped Boyd and Milford early, just to appease the media and so many fans. We love public executions. We need scapegoats. It's spectacle. Even if it fails to address all the real issues, and the real issues are systemic. Like our defence which has been degenerating for years, and remains my major criticism of Seibold as he has shown nothing to change the basic structures which have clearly been shown to not work for years.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Tactically, I agree. For Seibold to save face, he ought to have dropped Boyd and Milford early, just to appease the media and so many fans. We love public executions. We need scapegoats. It's spectacle. Even if it fails to address all the real issues, and the real issues are systemic. Like our defence which has been degenerating for years, and remains my major criticism of Seibold as he has shown nothing to change the basic structures which have clearly been shown to not work for years.
Not to mention that the guy brought in to save our defence only works 2 days a week.

FMD after the parra loss we should only be doing defence every training session until it improves.... "you don't want to tackle in the sandpit again then learn to make a fucking tackle in the game"
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NYC Player
Nov 18, 2019
Last night I felt so embarrassed that I laughed while listening to the game from Communist Victoria on the radio. Almost every part of the game could have been scripted.

I've been watching games from the past 5 years on YouTube and without exception, it appears every player has gone backwards. We were consistently fighting for the premiership (I think sometimes fans were almost thinking we deserved one) and I think the pain of 2015 gave people a distorted view of where we were at.

The forwards were muscling up, Boyd was playing a great link man role with the left side (watch the videos) Milford had a great kicking game and support runners either side that consistently put defences in two minds, and provided him with a platform to do his natural game. At the moment when he gets the ball all they have to do is keep their eyes on him. He has no support runners.

Every single thing we had going for us has been stripped from the team. A game structure they could apply, team confidence, and player after player incapable of playing their natural game. We were assured the pain would be temporary and we just needed to clean out some players. We were told Nikorima couldn't organise a team. Well, our team looked a hell of a lot more organised than it does now.

I feel for Seibold but I feel way more for the players. If this continues much longer, there's a strong possibility some won't recover. They are losing every bit of confidence they have left. Now we have grown men crying after games because they lost to the Warriors in a mid-season match. Something has to change.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Last night I felt so embarrassed that I laughed while listening to the game from Communist Victoria on the radio. Almost every part of the game could have been scripted.

I've been watching games from the past 5 years on YouTube and without exception, it appears every player has gone backwards. We were consistently fighting for the premiership (I think sometimes fans were almost thinking we deserved one) and I think the pain of 2015 gave people a distorted view of where we were at.

The forwards were muscling up, Boyd was playing a great link man role with the left side (watch the videos) Milford had a great kicking game and support runners either side that consistently put defences in two minds, and provided him with a platform to do his natural game. At the moment when he gets the ball all they have to do is keep their eyes on him. He has no support runners.

Every single thing we had going for us has been stripped from the team. A game structure they could apply, team confidence, and player after player incapable of playing their natural game. We were assured the pain would be temporary and we just needed to clean out some players. We were told Nikorima couldn't organise a team. Well, our team looked a hell of a lot more organised than it does now.

I feel for Seibold but I feel way more for the players. If this continues much longer, there's a strong possibility some won't recover. They are losing every bit of confidence they have left. Now we have grown men crying after games because they lost to the Warriors in a mid-season match. Something has to change.

Great post.

One of the key issues for me is that the defensive structures have remained unchanged since those heady days of 2015. Then they worked. Now they don't. We have not adapted. Natural selection is at work. The defence needs to change to the style which does work, the structures adopted by the top sides. Move up not stand back. Once the team sees the opposition attack smothered and smashed, confidence rises. That would be a great first step for this team. That is on Seibold. For mine it is his single greatest failure, especially because it is something entirely within his control to change. Simply dropping players won't fix structures.

The thing is, what really pisses me off, is that great defence is on show EVERY week, when the Roosters play, when the Storm plays. Either Seibold is too proud or arrogant to adapt and adopt or he tries and the players don't respond, which I somehow doubt.

Here is our new defence coach:

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NYC Player
May 9, 2014
What if Seibold is the man for the job? What if he has a long term plan for the club? What if the club's powerbrokers fully support this plan ( but have chosen not to share it with the media jackals ) realising short term pain is the price to pay for long term gain? What if this very inexperience squad sticks together & gains experience? What if the club has been in this very same position before, the coach stuck to his methods & didn't listen to people who didn't have a clue what really went on? What if that coach led this very club to 6 premierships even though the media & public had called for his public lynching? Basically Seibold may or may not be the right coach for the club, but I would trust the heirarcy's combined judgement over my own when it comes matters Bronco.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
What if Seibold is the man for the job? What if he has a long term plan for the club? What if the club's powerbrokers fully support this plan ( but have chosen not to share it with the media jackals ) realising short term pain is the price to pay for long term gain? What if this very inexperience squad sticks together & gains experience? What if the club has been in this very same position before, the coach stuck to his methods & didn't listen to people who didn't have a clue what really went on? What if that coach led this very club to 6 premierships even though the media & public had called for his public lynching? Basically Seibold may or may not be the right coach for the club, but I would trust the heirarcy's combined judgement over my own when it comes matters Bronco.

I’ve been deathriding him hard but I do think he should get to see out the season and then have a review week1 of the offseason


State of Origin Captain
May 5, 2016
What if Seibold is the man for the job? What if he has a long term plan for the club? What if the club's powerbrokers fully support this plan ( but have chosen not to share it with the media jackals ) realising short term pain is the price to pay for long term gain? What if this very inexperience squad sticks together & gains experience? What if the club has been in this very same position before, the coach stuck to his methods & didn't listen to people who didn't have a clue what really went on? What if that coach led this very club to 6 premierships even though the media & public had called for his public lynching? Basically Seibold may or may not be the right coach for the club, but I would trust the heirarcy's combined judgement over my own when it comes matters Bronco.

Even taking that way of thinking into account, 58-0, 59-0 is unacceptable.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
What if Seibold is the man for the job? What if he has a long term plan for the club? What if the club's powerbrokers fully support this plan ( but have chosen not to share it with the media jackals ) realising short term pain is the price to pay for long term gain? What if this very inexperience squad sticks together & gains experience? What if the club has been in this very same position before, the coach stuck to his methods & didn't listen to people who didn't have a clue what really went on? What if that coach led this very club to 6 premierships even though the media & public had called for his public lynching? Basically Seibold may or may not be the right coach for the club, but I would trust the heirarcy's combined judgement over my own when it comes matters Bronco.
That's a lot of what if's.

What if the squad was going backwards. Oh yeah, that's not a what if.
I'm shit at what if's


NRL Player
Apr 19, 2016
The thing is, even with the thrashings, the looming wooden spoon, the player in-fighting, the board says there is a bigger plan. What plan expects these kind of results?
Sure, if we had lost our spine and entire front row, there might be a case for these series of losses. But even then, you would expect them to be competitive. We have largely the same core on the field week to week and we lost to a team without their best player, and whom lost 1 of their halves in the first 20 minutes.
By any stretch of the imagination they were right for the picking. What did we do? Despite having a largely intact side, with a decent platform set in the opening twenty, we managed to fumble our way to defeat.
By any stretch of the imagination, you could not have found a better reason to keep an experienced player like Luke on the field. Instead we decided to use a primarily attacking play we like dearden to plug gaps on the line.
If we need to score quickly, sure it makes sense but then why remove the most experienced bloke on the field for him. The bloke in the best form, and the bloke most capable of rallying those around him for a rookie half still working his way into the team.
Of course, there are a million reasons to get rid of this coach, but I have never seen such open chaos affect this team like this.
The team lists look like deck chair appointments on an iceberg hit titanic, with whoever gets selected finding a new low point in their form and surrounded by a complete rabble who have no idea what to do after tackle 3. A rabble that thinks defence is an individual effort and communication is something you do after you bugger up.


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