Australian Open thread

Coxy said:
I feel for her. She had a domineering father who she finally had the balls to get rid of, and then her entire family disowned her, left her to the wolves. Her tennis went to shit, her life went to shit, and she's slowly clawed her way back.

I wish her every success.


Couldn't have said it much better
Well if she hadn't already won everyone over then she has now. Great to see her so happy just to get the support of the crowd.

They way teenagers get all the public backlash for their parents' behaviour is sickening.
Of course it is! 1 hour. We had to watch Today Tonight and Home and Away remember!
Lol. I thought they might have just picked up the match an hour in. I'm glad I didn't spoil the result then!
Congrats Jelena. Seriously, I still remember that photo of her after her dad got ejected from Wimbledon - Damir shaking his fist at the cameramen and Jelena looking terrified and distraught.

She's come such a long way since then, and she was understandably emotional. Good on her!
Coxy said:
I feel for her. She had a domineering father who she finally had the balls to get rid of, and then her entire family disowned her, left her to the wolves. Her tennis went to shit, her life went to shit, and she's slowly clawed her way back.

I wish her every success.

Spot on. So great to see her doing well again. I never hated Jelena whatsoever... but that father was such a piece of work! V. happy that she has cut him loose and is making it on her own this time.
Haven't been able to catch the late matches, is Courier still doing the post match interviews? I hope so.
Like others here - love Jelena and have always supported her. I think the Australian public's "backlash" was never against her, but always against her father. I cried when she won last night, so happy she's been able to get back on the court and play some great tennis and getting the support she deserves.

Also credit to Tomic last night. Saw his post match conference and he basically opened with "Sorry I didn't win". I didn't stay up that late to watch him play but have heard he played really well.
Yeah, Tomic dominated the first set. After that it was just inexperience. He never capitulated, the other bloke was just more consistent.

He'll learn a heap from it.

As for Jelena - whatever she achieves from here in this tournament is a bonus. She's announced to Australia she's back - although I note her own words that she'll wait 12 months and hopefully be in the top 20 before she makes that statement. That's humble, but she definitely made that statement with the way she played and the emotion she had after last night's match.
How good was the chick that beat the male in drag that is one of the williams sisters
Yeah, it was definitely a women's game where you were watching for the tennis itself. They're both hideously ugly.

Although I've said before, Venus would be fine with a face transplant. She's got a gorilla face. Whereas her sister has a gorilla body...interesting.