Haha this idiot celebrating after Renshaw basically just hit everything for four or six and probably took the game away (but this is the Heat, so one can never be confident at all).
Haha this idiot celebrating after Renshaw basically just hit everything for four or six and probably took the game away (but this is the Heat, so one can never be confident at all).
Exactly what I was about to say. I don’t know if I just pick bad times but every time I see Green he looks like a massive flog.
Come on Labs, that was never going to be given as a wide.
Just to balance out the fellatio Howie is giving Green, but I still can’t get over how fucking stupid it looked celebrating that wicket like you just won the game.

This guy just smacked you guys all around the park and that wicket made it 2 for 185 and you are the fucking captain. Grow up.
How is D/L 57.... they're chasing 200 and going at 7rpo

They'd need to be 70 to be at the req rate
So am I right in thinking that if it is a wash out here as it is more than 5 overs and we are in front of par, we win?